Business, Marketing, and Information Technology
LPS Business, Marketing and Information Technology (BMIT) courses combine innovative curriculum and academic excellence to prepare students for post-secondary success, careers in business and technology and economically literate citizenship. By taking BMIT courses, students gain business knowledge, technology skills and career-related skills necessary to be successful.
Coordinator: Julie Hippen ( // 402-436-1827)
Student Organizations: FBLA, DECA

Available Courses
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Technology 6 (0531)
In Technology 6, students will explore multiple components of today’s emerging technologies. This course provides a creative environment for students to acquire skills in word processing, digital communication, and graphic design. Students will continue to use proper keyboarding skills to improve their speed and accuracy.
Technology 7 (8020)
Technology 7 provides an opportunity for students to perform hands-on application of computer software, including preparing formal presentations and organizing and manipulating data in spreadsheets. Students will explore various digital media including audio and website development. This course will extend their working knowledge of computer skills, problem solving as it relates to program design, and software development and applications.
Technology 8 (8030)
Technology 8 provides a creative and innovative environment for students to plan, create, edit, and publish electronic products to communicate with various audiences via project-based learning. Special areas of emphasis include digital video, digital audio, graphics, and web design using a variety of digital media.
Business 8 (0525)
Students will explore and develop economic and business skills through numerous hands-on activities. Learning areas include economics, personal finance, career exploration, entrepreneurship, marketing, and management. The course includes a simulation where students will organize, manage, and market a business product.
Accounting (07101, 07102)
Accounting is considered the language of business and an essential skill for many different career areas. Accounting is the foundation for day-to-day operations in many industries. In this two-semester introduction to basic accounting course, students learn the procedures used in systematically recording the financial operations of a business. Class content includes sales, cash payment and receipt transactions, payroll records and deductions, and automated accounting procedures for service and merchandising businesses. The culmination of this course is an online simulation which allows students to put their accounting skills into practice in a real-world scenario. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Accounting Differentiated (07201, 07202)
Accounting Differentiated is a two-semester, weighted course designed to provide knowledge of accounting principles, concepts, and practices. Accounting is required in post-secondary programs for business majors and recommended for other fields. Content includes financial statement preparation and analysis, payroll systems, cost accounting, internal reporting and forms of ownership. Financial information is classified, controlled, analyzed, and interpreted for management purposes. Students will apply skills learned through engaging, real-world scenarios. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements. This course may be available for articulated or dual credit at a post-secondary institution. Please check with the high school counseling center for more information.
Wealth Building & Financial Management (16501)
Wealth-building and financial management: In this weighted course, students learn to manage their resources to make sound personal financial decisions, interpret data to develop short- and long-term budgetary plans, and develop product knowledge related to financial planning. Students will develop a financial plan that includes savings, investing, credit management, risk management, and retirement. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements. Take Charge is a prerequisite. This course may be available for articulated or dual credit at a post-secondary institution. Please check with the high school counseling center for more information.
Economics in Business (1700)
Economics in Business is a course designed to help students understand economic principles as applied to current events and issues. Emphasis includes allocation of resources, economic systems, economic institutions and incentives, markets and prices, supply and demand, productivity, role of government, global economic concepts, market structures, and economic indicators. Junior Achievement volunteers from the business community lead hands-on student activities to apply economic concepts in an innovative way. This course meets LPS Economics graduation credit requirement. This course also meets UNL and college requirements as well as national and state standards.
Take Charge: Career Readiness & Financial Responsibility (11501)
Take Charge is an integrated careers and personal finance course required for graduation and taken during the junior year. This course is part of the LPS overall systematic plan of college and career readiness and will help students become financially responsible and conscientious members of society. Students will set goals and adjust their personal learning plan by identifying their interests, skills and values through academic and career decision-making. Students will develop understanding and skills in money management, budgeting, financial goal attainment, use of credit, insurance, investments, and consumer rights and responsibilities. This class creates an effective transition from high school to postsecondary options.
World of Business (0600)
World of Business is a project-based exploratory business course which gives students the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities in business, marketing and management. The course introduces students to personal finance, accounting, management, entrepreneurship, marketing, hospitality and tourism, and information technology. Students will use critical thinking skills to analyze decisions in the world of business and their personal lives. Discover classes at your high school for additional study in your area of interest! This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Business Law (0630)
Business Law presents the study of the legal rights and responsibilities necessary to be informed and productive citizens. Key concepts include contracts and torts, the role of courts, litigation, and constitutional issues including civil and criminal law. Students will investigate the effects of ethics within business and society. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Business Management & Leadership (0620)
Business Management and Leadership emphasizes the basic concepts of management and leadership within a business or organization. Students will investigate management issues involved in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization. Topics of this course include: management functions, leadership skills, business ethics, human resource management, financial decision-making, marketing strategies, and entrepreneurship. The culminating project of this class will be the completion of a business plan, a critical component for careers in management or business ownership. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Entrepreneurship (0796)
Entrepreneurship provides students opportunities to determine benefits and risks of self-employment; to understand the traits and talents needed for entrepreneurship; and to learn the elements of creating a business plan. Students will explore the process of generating business ideas, recognizing opportunities, determining feasibility of ideas, securing human and financial resources, and creating marketing and management strategies for small businesses. The student will understand the role of entrepreneurial businesses in the United States and the impact on our national and global economy. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Marketing (0770)
Marketing provides opportunities for students to explore the functions of marketing and the marketing mix: pricing, promotion, product planning, and place/distribution. Marketing builds a bridge between the producer and consumer to satisfy customer wants and needs while meeting organizational goals. Topics include branding, market segmentation, marketing research and target marketing. Projects and activities vary according to student interest and business and community applications. Students are encouraged to join DECA, a Career and Technical Student Organization with a marketing focus. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Sports & Event Marketing (0760)
Sports and Event Marketing provides opportunities to explore the basic functions of marketing and the marketing mix (pricing, promotion, product planning, and place/distribution) in the sports and entertainment industries. Topics include an orientation to the industry, event execution, event marketing, and legal aspects/contracts. Students complete a virtual simulation to run their own multi-use stadium while making decisions about concessions, sponsorships, pricing, staffing, and promotions. Students are encouraged to join DECA, a Career and Technical Student Organization with a marketing focus. This course meets CTE or general elective graduation requirements.
Information Technology 1 (8110)
Info Tech 1 is foundational for subsequent technology courses. Students have the opportunity to obtain Microsoft certification. Students will explore emerging technologies as it applies to their success for high school, college, and career. Using Microsoft Office software, students will create, access, manipulate, and analyze information using advanced document processing, professional presentations, and intermediate spreadsheet and database applications. Efficient keyboarding skills are highly recommended. This course is a required entry course for The Career Academy Technology or Business Pathway. Meets CTE or Technology graduation requirements.
Information Technology 2 (8120)
Students need to have successfully completed Information Technology 1 before enrolling in this course. In Info Tech 2, students will obtain a level of advanced skills beyond those developed in Information Technology 1 using Microsoft Office software. This course will focus on skill development in data science using spreadsheet, database, and integration of applications utilizing advanced features. Students have the opportunity to obtain additional Microsoft certifications. Skills learned in this advanced class are necessary requirements for many college programs. Meets CTE or Technology graduation requirements.
Keyboarding (0810)
Every student needs proficient computer keyboarding skills for personal, academic and employment use. Keyboarding develops touch control of the keyboard, proper keyboarding techniques, basic speed and accuracy, word processing, and computer operation skills. Students use these skills to compose and key various documents, e-mail messages, and classwork for all subject areas. Other input technologies may be introduced. This introductory class is intended for students who do not have touch-typing skills. Students with skills beyond 35 wpm, with 2 or less errors, are encouraged to take a different technology class. Meets CTE graduation requirement.
Digital Media (8250)
Digital Media provides a creative and innovative environment for students to create, design and produce digital media including videos, animations, graphics, and web pages. Students use software from the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite (Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Audition, Dreamweaver, Animate). Digital Media provides opportunities for students to combine their creative talents and technology skills. Meets CTE or Technology graduation requirements.
Digital Design (82001)
Digital Design will introduce students to the technical tools and processes used in digital design. Students will focus on developing advanced skills to plan, design, and create interactive projects using elements of texts, graphics, and digital imaging. The design process model is introduced including typography, color, and imagery. Design software (Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign) is utilized to create print and web publications. Meets CTE or Technology graduation requirements.
Web Design & Programming (8330)
Students will demonstrate knowledge of web design and programming using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to create a content rich and visually pleasing website that captures and keeps visitors’ interests. Focus will be given to effective page layout, image creation and manipulation, interactivity, content creation, and project management. This is a required course for The Career Academy Technology Programming pathway. Meets CTE or Technology graduation requirements. Please check with the high school counseling center for more information.
Video Production (82536)
Video Production provides a creative and innovative environment for students to plan, create, edit, produce and evaluate advanced video productions. Students will use Adobe Premiere Pro and AfterEffects to develop video projects while integrating other software from the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite which may include Photoshop, Audition and Animate. Projects are centered around student interests or current events in the school and community. Meets CTE or Technology graduation requirements.
Work Experience (93492)
This program is designed to allow students who are employed, an opportunity to gain school credit for their work experience. To be eligible the student must be approved by their counselor and the work experience supervisor. The employer involved must agree to participate in and adhere to the guidelines of the program. To earn credit, the student must remain employed and meet the following requirements: work 180 hours per semester to be eligible for 10 credits or work 90 hours per semester to be eligible for 5 credits in the Work Experience Program, receive satisfactory job evaluations from their employer, and pass 15 hours of classes that semester. Weekly meeting with work experience teacher is required.