The LPS Citizens Education Academy will provide Lincoln citizens a hands-on interactive public information program that familiarizes and gives them a true, behind-the-scenes sense of Lincoln Public Schools. The Academy will provide citizens with insight into how our school district works, will promote open lines of community engagement and communication, will provide opportunities for citizen feedback, and will establish clearer understanding from both sides.
Participants will gain a better, deeper understanding of the school district and an increased sense of ownership in local schools — creating understanding advocates of public education in our community – and LPS will gain a better, deeper understanding of citizen perspective.
This unique, no-charge public outreach program will be open to approximately 30 people from our community (18 and older) with five sessions during the first semester — featuring a heavy dose of unique encounters. All sessions will happen in a school setting.

LPS is now accepting applications for the 2024 Fall Citizens Education Academy. Click on the button below and fill out the form to apply. Notification will be sent to applicants by August 16, 2024. Questions can be email to Mindy Burbach at mburbach@lps.org.

2024 Fall Schedule
All sessions will run from 5 – 8pm.
Participants are asked to attend all five sessions.
August 21st
at Robinson Elementary School
- LPS by the Numbers
- Elementary and Secondary Education
- School Libraries
September 18th
at Northeast High School
- Student Panel
- Early Childhood Education
- Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
- Focus Programs and The Career Academy
October 16th
at Yankee Hill Education Center
- School Safety
- Student Services
- Special Education
November 20th
at Park Middle School
- Buildings and Bond Issues
- School Finance
- Federal Programs
December 18th
at Steve Joel District Leadership Center
- Getting Involved
- Civic Engagement
- Graduation
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