Support Academic Success for All Students

LPS students find academic success through authentic learning opportunities, rigorous
standards and individualized learning. Graduation alone is not the goal, but rather a graduate
who attains core competencies, monitors their own progress, and maintains a love for learning.

Expand delivery model opportunities to allow for flexible scheduling.

Action Step
Evaluate the current status of eLearning opportunities for students as an option for meeting academic

Action Step
Explore alternate scheduling models.

Expand plans to address mental health needs of students.

Action Step
Expand partnerships with community resource providers.

Action Step
Diversify mental health supports to meet the complex needs of students in crisis.

Action Step
As resources permit, increase staffing to support mental health needs, including social workers, school
counselors, and school psychologists.

Assess feasibility to expand access to high-quality early childhood programs through additional full-day and part-day program options.

Action Step
Evaluate current full-day pilot classrooms.

Action Step
Evaluate space availability for additional classroom sites.

Action Step
Explore community partnerships to expand program access and locations.

Increase movement opportunities throughout the school day to support developmental, physical, and social needs of students.

Action Step
Review the feasibility of increased physical education classroom time.

Action Step
Increase opportunities before, during, and after school for student activities that promote physical