Questions and Answers

Where can I find info about being a volunteer at LPS?

A good place to start to find information on volunteering at LPS is typing in “volunteer” in the search box at  In the top left corner there is a “how to” to help answer additional questions. To be a field trip volunteer requires a level 3 status, which includes a background check.   

What is SRP?

Standard Response Protocol (SRP) is the immediate response during an incident at school.  There are five actions which staff at LPS train to use for any incident response. You can find all the videos we use to train and debrief our students and staff for all SRP actions.

How can I discreetly report a safety concern?

Safety is a top concern for us at LPS.  Safe to Say is our anonymous reporting system, which can be used to communicate your safety concerns.  This can be done anonymously or you can be anonymous while still shield your identity allowing LPS to communicate back and forth with you.  There is also an option under Safe to Say which would allow LPS to see your contact information including your name. You can choose how you would like to share your information through Safe to Say.  

What is threat assessment?

Threat assessment is a discrete practice in response to issues of concerns with a focus on prevention.  Please see the threat assessment page to see what makes LPS unique and how LPS applies threat management in the school setting.

Messages from schools

LPS takes pride in keeping families informed. When you receive a message from a school, please read or listen thoroughly before contacting the schools to ask questions.

Why is traffic so slow before and after school?

Every school has a traffic plan designed by LPS with the help of the city’s traffic engineering office for optimal school traffic flow.  When drivers disregard the traffic plan, it can have a significant impact and create additional delay for everyone else, so we urge you to be familiar with the plan, follow it, and give yourself enough time.  We appreciate your patience when high volume traffic slows the pace of movement through the neighborhoods at the beginning and end of each school day. The fact is that most schools across the country impact traffic volume on adjacent streets, but the impact is predictable and relatively short in duration.  Please contact the Lincoln Police Department if you have any traffic concerns on city streets or your local school regarding concerns on school property. 

Why do I need to check in at school?

When adults check into schools, we are able to verify they are in the building for appropriate reasons and that they are safe to be in the school.. When adults wear their ID’s in the school, it lets school staff know the person checked in and is approved to be in our schools.  

What is a school resource officer?

A School Resource Officer (SRO) is a city police officer, with specialized training, who is assigned to support the school and act as a mentor and guardian. SRO’s serve at LPS high schools and middle schools.