Origami Risk Management Tool
Origami Risk is a Risk Management Information System (RMIS) used to help manage Driver Certifications and Incidents for Lincoln Public Schools that occur on school property or during school-sponsored activities. It is a web-based software that you are able to submit a report of an incident directly online through Origami Risk’s secure portal. Once submitted, it will go directly to the LPS Risk Management Department to review and respond to incidents.

Features and Benefits of Origami Risk
Reporting and Submissions
- HR#5 Driver Certifications
- Student Incidents
- Patron Incidents
- Coming Soon:
- Employee Report of Injuries/Exposures
- Declination of Treatment
Improved Communication & Reporting
- Reduces paper forms with incident portal
- Email alerts, notifications and reminders for employees and supervisors
- Tool tips for users when filling out incident forms
HR#5 Driver Certification
For use of District, Personal, or Rental Vehicles or Transportation of Students
Incident Portal
Frequently Asked Questions
To document accidents and incidents occurring on school property or during school-sponsored activities that result in an injury.
Origami is an occurrence reporting system. Origami is the platform used by Lincoln Public Schools, Risk Management to review and respond to incidents of:
- Employee incident/injury (workers’ compensation)
- Non-employee injury (patron, visitor, vendor, volunteer)
- Student incident/injury
- Vehicle accidents/damage
Principals and School-based staff. To include: Principals, AP’s, Coordinators, Secretaries, Guidance Counselors, Teachers, Nurses, etc.