Trauma-Informed Restorative Practices (TIRP)

Trauma is a person’s response to a real or perceived threat. It can negatively affect the mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral health of individuals, as well as affecting childhood development. It is important to understand that trauma is subjective. Situations that are traumatic for one person may not feel traumatic for someone else.

Trauma informed practices:

  • Understand the role that trauma plays in the lives of those who have experienced it
  • Avoid unintended re-traumatization or the creation of more harm
  • Facilitate empowerment, participation, and decision-making
  • Focus on strengths and resiliency
  • Build security and trust

Trauma capable approaches recognize that unwanted behavior often has underlying causes related to past traumatic experiences. By understanding the root causes of behavior, staff can address these issues more effectively, moving beyond merely managing behaviors to promoting long-term growth by addressing needs. Instead of labeling individuals based on their behaviors, a trauma-informed approach encourages an understanding that behaviors may be adaptive responses to past trauma.

Trauma-informed practices are just part of our multi-tiered system of supports for students in LPS.