- Accreditation
- Accreditation Progress Report (APR)
- Action Research
- ADA - Adams Elementary
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
- ADD, ADHD, AD/HD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- AED - Automated External Defibrillator
- AFP - Arts & Humanities Focus Program
- Allowed App
- Alternative assessment
- AP - Advanced Placement
- Apex Learning
- App
- AQuESTT - Accountability for a Quality Education System Today and Tomorrow
- ARN - Arnold Elementary
- ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- AS400
- ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Assessment
- AT - Assistive Technology
- At risk
- Athletic Programs (Interscholastic)
- AUT - Autism
- Authentic assessments
- Aviation and Technical Education Focus Program
- AYP - Adequate Yearly Progress
- Bancroft building
- Baseline Data
- BAY - Bay High Focus Program
- BCBS - Blue Cross Blue Shield
- BEA - Beattie Elementary
- BEL - Belmont Elementary
- Benchmarks
- Best Practice
- Bethany School
- BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
- Birth Certificate Requirement
- BLATS or BL@TS = Blueprint for Assessing Technology Skills
- BOE - Board of Education
- BOT - Bottler's Building
- BRO - Brownell Elementary
- Browser
- BRY - Bryan Community Focus Program
- Bryan College of Health Sciences Focus Program
- Bryant School (Q Street School)
- Buddy Room
- Budget
- C Street School
- CAF - Computer Access Form
- CAL - Calvert Elementary
- CAM - Campbell Elementary
- Capitol School
- Caring Confrontation
- CAV - Cavett Elementary
- CCC - Community Curriculum Council
- Central School
- Channel 21
- Cherry Street School ("Old Prescott")
- Chromebooks
- Chrometop
- CICO (Check In Check Out)
- CITW or CITW2 (Classroom Instruction that Works, 2nd Ed.)
- CLASS Plan
- CLC - 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- CLF - Don Clifton Facility
- CLI - Clinton Elementary
- Clickers (Classroom Performance Systems - CPS)
- CMT - Concussion Management Team
- Code Red
- College View Schools
- College View South Ward
- Community Action
- Community News (Free Times)
- CONESU - Cooperative Organization of Nebraska Educational Service Units)
- Connected Classrooms
- Constraint
- CORE (Connecting, Organizing, and Resourcing our Employees)
- COVID-19 Pandemic Timeline in LPS
- Critical thinking
- CRT - Crisis Response Team
- CRT - Criterion-referenced tests
- CSIP - Continuous School Improvement Plan
- CTE - Career and Technical Education
- CTS - Custodial & Transportation Services
- CUL - Charles L. Culler Middle School
- Curriculum
- Data
- Dawes Building
- DB - Deaf/Blind
- DC - Distribution Center
- DD - Developmental Delay
- DDSEC - Donald D. Sherrill Education Center
- DECA - Distributive Education Club of America
- Destination ImagiNation
- DHHS - Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services
- DIFF - Differentiated
- Digital Content Resources
- Digital Hall Pass
- Distance Learning
- DMG - District Management Group
- DocuShare
- Due Process
- Early College and Career STEM Program (at Northeast HS)
- Early Intervention
- EAS - Eastridge Elementary
- ECICC - Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Council
- ECSE - Early Childhood Special Education
- ED - Emotional Disturbance
- EdNotes
- EETT - Enhancing Education through Technology State Program
- ELA - English Language Arts
- ELL - Elliott Elementary
- ELL - English Language Learner Program
- ELPA21 (English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century)
- Essential Outcome
- ESU - Educational Service Unit (ESU #18)
- ESUAA - ESU Administrative Affiliate Group
- ESUPDO - ESU Professional Development Organization
- ESY - Extended School Year
- Evaluation
- EVE - Everett Elementary
- ExCITE - Early Childhood Infant Toddler Educare
- FAPE - Free and Appropriate Education
- FBA - Functional Behavior Assessment
- FBLA - Future Business Leaders of America
- FCCLA - Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
- FDPIR - Food Distribution Program on Indian reservations
- FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Fitness Reporting
- FM - Facilities and Maintenance
- FMLA - Family Medical Leave Act
- Forced App
- Formative Assessment
- Foundation
- FRE - Fredstrom Elementary
- FSA - Flexible Spending Account
- FTE - Full Time Equivalency
- Fund-A-Need
- I-MAT - Instructional Materials Division, ESU
- ICE - Information Center for Employees
- ID - Intellectual Disability
- IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IDM - Improving Document Management
- IEP - Individual Education Program
- IFSP - Individual Family Service Plan
- Immunization Requirements
- Independence Academy
- Intramurals
- iOS
- IPTV (Internet Protocol Television)
- IRV - Irving Middle School
- iSite
- IT - Instructional Technology
- Items/Tasks
- ITT (Instructional Technology Tool)
- LAK - Lakeview Elementary
- LCAD - Lincoln Council on Alcoholism and Drugs
- LCY - Pathfinder Education Program
- LEA - Lincoln Education Association
- LEF - Millard Lefler Middle School
- LES - Lincoln East High School
- LHS - Lincoln High School
- Lincoln Learning Center
- Lincoln Technical College
- LNE - Lincoln Northeast High School
- LNS - Lincoln North Star High School
- LNW - Lincoln Northwest High School
- Longfellow School
- LPS - Lincoln Public Schools, History of
- LPSAOP - LPS Association of Office Professionals
- LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
- LSB - Standing Bear High School
- LSE - Lincoln Southeast High School
- LSW - Lincoln Southwest High School
- LUX - John Lux Middle School
- MAC - Multicultural Advisory Committee
- macOS
- Major and Minor Behavior
- MAM - Monday AM
- Manifestation Meeting
- MAP - Measures of Academic Process
- Match Data Sets
- MAX - Maxey Elementary
- McKinley School
- MCP - McPhee Elementary
- MDT - Multidisciplinary Team
- MEA - Meadow Lane Elementary
- Medications
- MFD - Multi-Function Device
- MI - Multiple Impairments
- MIC - Robin Mickle Middle School
- MOO - Marilyn Moore Middle School
- Moodle
- MOR - Morley Elementary
- MTSS / MTSS-B (Multi-Tiered System of Support and Intervention)
- Multicultural
- Multiple Literacies
- NCLB - No Child Left Behind
- NDE - Nebraska Department of Education
- Nebraska Business Focus Program
- Nebraska Early Development Network
- NEC - Nuernberger Education Center
- NeSA - Nebraska State Accountability
- NETA - Nebraska Educational Technology Association
- NHS - National Honor Society
- NIMS - National Incident Management System
- NOC - Network Operations Committee, ESU
- NOR - Norwood Park Elementary
- Normal (Lincoln Normal area school)
- Northeast Child Center
- NRT - Norm referenced tests
- NSCAS (Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System)
- NSCAS - Nebraska Student Centered Assessment System
- NSSRS - Nebraska Student and Staff Record System
- P-T, P/T, PTC - Parent Teacher Conferences
- PA - Parent Acknowledgement (of Instructional Technologies in LPS Elementary Classrooms)
- PAR - Behavior Framework
- PAR - Park Middle School
- PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support)
- PEaK - Promoting Engagement and Knowledge (PEaK)
- PER - Pershing Elementary
- PL - Professional Learning
- PLC - Professional Learning Communities
- Portal
- Portfolio
- PostCMS
- POU - Pound Middle School
- PRE - Prescott Elementary
- Processing
- ProCom
- Promethean Boards
- Protective Plan
- PT - Physical Therapy/Therapist
- PTA / PTO / PC - Parent Groups
- PYR - Pyrtle Elementary
- RAN - Randolph Elementary
- Recommended App
- Records (Student)
- Recovery
- Reliability
- Religious Holidays, Guidelines for
- Remote Learning Program (RLP)
- Response Routine
- Restorative Practices
- RIL - Riley Elementary
- ROB - Robinson Elementary School
- ROP - Roper Elementary
- ROU - Rousseau Elementary
- RSS - Really Simple Syndication
- RTI - Response to Intervention
- RUA - Responsible Use Agreement
- Safe Seat
- SAP - Student Assistance Process
- SAR - Saratoga Elementary
- SAT Reasoning Test
- SCH - Philip H. Schoo Middle School
- SCO - Hazel G. Scott Middle School
- SDO - Staff Development Affiliate, ESU
- Seven Standards
- SFP - Science Focus Program (Zoo School)
- SHE - Sheridan Elementary
- SJDLC (DLC) - Steve Joel District Leadership Center
- SkillsUSA (VICA)
- SLD - Specific Learning Disability
- SLI - Speech Language Impairment
- SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
- SNAP - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- SNRP - Southeast Nebraska Regional Program
- Special Attendance Permit Applications (Transfers)
- Special Education
- SSP - Student Support Program
- SSW - School Social Worker
- Standardized tests
- STARS - School-Based Teacher-Lead Assessment Reporting System
- Stop/Think/Change Sheet
- Student ID
- StudentServe
- Summative Assessment
- Synergy
Latest Glossary Terms
About LPS 'Pedia
The LPS ‘Pedia is a list of terms, phrases and acronyms used at LPS. In addition, a history of each LPS building is included, as it appeared in the 1999 publication ‘How the Schools Were Named’ by LPS Media Services.