MTSS / MTSS-B (Multi-Tiered System of Support and Intervention)

A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a systemic, continuous-improvement framework in which data-based problem solving and decision-making is practiced across all levels of the educational system for supporting students. Tiered systems of support are designed to create predictable and safe learning environments that meet the needs of all students in all settings throughout the school. The support encompasses both academic and behavioral interventions.

Supports are organized into tiers with increasing intensity based on students’ needs.

  1. Tier 1 consists of the supports that all students receive. These supports intend to prevent problems before they occur by teaching and reinforcing social, emotional and behavioral skills for all students.
  2. Tier 2 interventions and supports are provided (in addition to Tier 1) for groups of students who, based on data, are not responding to Tier 1. These supports are designed to improve school success for students by providing additional focus on missing skills.
  3. Tier 3 interventions and supports are provided (in addition to Tier 1 and 2) for a small number of individual students with intensive needs who have not responded to lower tiered supports. Interventions and supports at Tier 3 are more intensive and individualized and focus on preventing unwanted behavior, teaching missing skills and supporting/encouraging.

For more information and resources, visit the LPS MTSS web page.


This process may be referred to as MTSS-B.

In the past, many LPS educators referred to this type of process as RTI.