
Parents/guardians must provide a signed written consent for a child to be given medication at school prior to medication being given. A consent form is available in any school office, or on the Health Services web site.

As required by state law, Lincoln Public Schools has in place an Emergency Protocol, which calls for the administration of medications (epinephrine by injection and albuterol by inhalation) in the event of life-threatening allergic reaction or asthma. Please contact the school nurse for more information about the protocol.

Students in Lincoln Public Schools with the diagnosis of asthma or severe allergy may be permitted to carry inhalers or Epipens® for self-administration. Authorization to do so is coordinated by the school nurse and requires parental/guardian as well as physician consent. Students with diabetes may carry glucose sources and other supplies for self-treatment when authorization is in place to do so.

For more information about the management of these and other health concerns in the school setting, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the school nurse assigned to their child’s building.