Gifted Program

The Lincoln Board of Education recognizes that the student population includes students with exceptional academic abilities. The students have a need for educational services which are consistent with their ability levels and learning characteristics. Lincoln Public Schools will make available to those students learning opportunities which will help them to:

  • develop high levels of knowledge and skills in their areas of competence at rates of learning suited to their abilities
  • develop attitudes and skills needed for in-depth study and self-directed learning
  • learn from and interact with others of similar abilities
  • develop both leadership and support role skills and attitudes
  • understand and use their abilities

Students in the LPS gifted program usually demonstrate several of the following learning characteristics:

  1. Extraordinary quantity of information
  2. Advanced comprehension
  3. High level of verbal ability
  4. Ability to think in abstract terms
  5. Ability to form concepts
  6. Keen sense of humor
  7. A sense of justice
  8. High achievement
  9. Outstanding products
  10. High past performance

Students may be identified as eligible for the gifted program by scoring in the upper two percent on an academic aptitude test or by the data gathering process. Parents who think their child may be a candidate for the gifted program may notify the school building facilitator or principal that they would like their child to be considered for further evaluation.