CUL – Charles L. Culler Middle School

Charles Culler School first opened its doors in 1958 as a combination junior high and elementary school.  The initial enrollment was 285 students.  From 1963 to 1993 Culler was a junior high school with grades seven, eight, and nine.  In 1993 Culler became the middle school we know today for grades six, seven, and eight.

This junior high school was named for Charles L. Culler, a long time Lincoln
educator. Mr. Culler came to Lincoln Public Schools in 1917. He served as mechanical
arts teacher and assistant principal at Lincoln High School until 1922. He was
principal of the 26th and 0 Junior High for one year; however, in 1923 he moved to
Whittier where he was principal for 23 years. He retired in 1946.