Physical Education at LPS
Physical education is an integral part of the educational process for all students. It provides for the achievement of educational goals through movement activities. Students participate in a comprehensive, progressive program of physical activity taught by a specialist. This sequential program contributes to the total development of students and promotes healthy, active life-styles. The unique contribution of physical education is the part it plays in the students’ physical development. Since individuals function as whole beings, the program also addresses other aspects of development, including intellectual, social and emotional.
Primary Grades
Children participate in physical activities which help them learn to manage and control their bodies in a variety of situations. These movement experiences include large muscle activities such as running, skipping, climbing, rolling, throwing, catching and kicking. Opportunities are provided for learning and practicing social skills and intellectual skills in a physically active setting and in a manner appropriate to the child’s developmental level.
Intermediate Grades
Body management skills are refined as children mature. Participation in activities in the areas of games, sports, physical fitness, dance and gymnastics provides opportunities for students to practice a variety of physical skills. Guided instruction allows children to improve skills in a supportive environment. Acceptable social behavior is encouraged through group participation.
Middle School
As students reach adolescence a wide range of physical differences is evident. Additional opportunities are provided to practice and refine the basic movement skills according to individual needs. More complex, organized individual, dual and team activities are presented. Participation in selected activities that develop and maintain physical fitness is a vital part of the total program, as is development of social skills.
High School
Regular physical activity is provided through challenging activities that allow performance on an advanced level. Team sports are offered as a part of the total curriculum; however, emphasis is on lifetime activities such as tennis, badminton, swimming and fitness activities. Increased opportunities for the selection of physical education activities are provided according to individual interests.

Caitlin Provance
K-12 Health and Physical Education Coordinator
- Phone: 402-436-1473
- Email: