What is MTSS?
A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a term used to describe an evidence-based model of schooling that uses data-based problem-solving to integrate academic, communication, and behavioral instruction and intervention. In LPS, many educators referred to this in the past as RTI.
MTSS Resources

for Community and Families
Understanding behavior supports at Lincoln Public Schools

for Staff
LPS Staff Login Required
- National research-based practice used by the Nebraska Department of Education
- MTSS supports all 3 tiers
- Decisions are based on data
- Encompasses both academic and behavior evidenced-based practices
- Provides a systemic process for teachers and teams to support students
- Implemented within the general education classroom or specialized settings
- Integrates SAP, PBIS, CITW2, Explicit Instruction (Archer), & Data Teams
- Multiple ways to meet individual student needs across tiers
- Proactive way to address student needs
Purpose of MTSS
- Supports students who are struggling academically and socially/emotionally
- Supports staff to differentiate interventions based on individual need
- Builds consistency and common practices/language across the district
- Used to potentially identify students for special education (according to Rule 51)
- Not every student who receives MTSS support is on the special education ‘track’
- Intended to be an intervention process to prevent special education verification
LPS MTSS Framework