Sequence the Dawes Staff by age. 1 being the youngest, 6 is oldest. When you clear the board, show me the picture to earn a ticket. Put your 1st and last name on the back and put in the bucket. Play as many times as you have time for.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Blue Zone Research
Copy this for your first citation:
The Blue Zones
Eating to Break Longevity
The Secrets to Living Well – and Longer
The Blue Zones in the Lincoln Journal Star
After taking notes from the above articles, go to P9RL and try
Which vocabulary strategy is it?
Winter Break Out Boxes!
Book Review The Sweetest Fig
Click here to write your claim.
Tech Violations Review
Plural Noun Review
MOSAIC – Check your station #, then open video for that station
STATION #6 Click here to learn about adding Favorites to Destiny. Grab your name tag from the bucket and take out your chrome book.
STATION # 7 Click here to learn about the history of henna.
STATION #9 6th & 7th graders: Click here to explore Overdrive 8th graders: Click here to explore your high school’s site and media page.
Pretend you want to find a survival book, but there’s no icon for it in the Dawes Catalog, so what do you do? USE KEY WORDS.
Think about the types of events a main character would have to survive in a survival book. In other words, what act of nature might the main character be up against? Use two key words (hint: one of them is survival) to search the catalog and show me the survival books that came up on your screen,
Friday LACA
Click here to find information for your 3•2•1 sheet.