Click here for the 7th grade reading comprehension test
Login to QUIA using your 1st and last name + 537 (marenbanwell537) and your normal password
When you are finished, click here to preview Latin Lesson #2
As you watch….Is this video demonstrating fixed or growth mindset?
Project 14: The Legend of Beelzebub’s Bluff by Grant Kauffman (I went to junior high with him).
The second book in the series comes out soon!
1. Finish your character sketch essay
2. Highlight the ENTIRE essay
Hit the apple key and C at the same time to COPY
Open Microsoft Word (big blue W in dock)
Paste your essay by hitting the apple key and V at the same time
Go up to TOOLS and choose SPELLING and GRAMMAR to edit your essay
Have someone else read it – do they have a lead & introduction, two quotes for each body ¶ with lots of explanation, page #s, a thoughtful conclusion?
4. Go to FILE and choose PRINT. TURN IN YOUR ESSAY!
5. Click here to review elements of fiction
6. Beat the game, show me, THEN free time.
click here to answer!
Click here for help with Google Presentation
1. Find definition of word
2. Use at least two examples in your presentation of that word being demonstrated. You may use images and/or videos.
3. Include synonyms and antonyms
Login to QUIA using your 1st and last name + 537 (marenbanwell537) and your normal password
LOOK up your ENGLISH grade on pinnacle and fill out your student led conference sheet.
Columns game for text features
Rags to Riches game for text structure
Vocabulary unit 6 Game
Nonfiction Text Structures Game
Nonfiction Text Features Game
Click here to watch a video and review the qualities of various genres.
1. Take your vocabulary unit 5 test. Click on the link. Login is your name+537 and your normal password.
2. Review literary devices for the NESA-R and to improve your own writing through events from “It’s a Wonderful Life”. Play the game!