Click here to take your vocabulary test. Login is your first and last name + 537 (marenbanwell537) and your normal password.
Add to your Outsiders notes when you are finished.
Click here to take your vocabulary test. Login is your first and last name + 537 (marenbanwell537) and your normal password.
Add to your Outsiders notes when you are finished.
1. Take your STAR test –, star, normal id and password
2. Click here to continue writing. Log into QUIA using your first and last name +537 (marenbanwell537) and your normal password. SUBMIT when finished.
Remember, the objective is to DESCRIBE using sights, sounds, thoughts, feelings, smells and tastes.
3. Play Rags to Riches game for vocabulary test tomorrow
Login for QUIA is your first and last name + 537 all squished together (marenbanwell537)
Normal password
Click here to take your test. Good luck!
One way ______________ and ____________ are alike is….
Another thing they have in common is…..
They also both….
For example,
_____________ is _______________. On the other hand, __________ is ___________.
_____________ is _______________. However, _____________ is _______________.
Unlike _____________, _________________ is….
Conversely, _____________ is….
Another way _____________ and _____________ differ is….
One way ______________ and ____________ are alike is….
Another thing they have in common is…..
They also both….
For example,
_____________ is _______________. On the other hand, __________ is ___________.
_____________ is _______________. However, _____________ is _______________.
Unlike _____________, _________________ is….
Conversely, _____________ is….
Another way _____________ and _____________ differ is….
Skim and read for information to support your reasons. Take notes in your own words, but feel free to quote an expert to better support your opinion.
Site your sources!
Click here to access beginning research sites
Click here to submit your ¶. Please type ALL names at the very top or very end of your paragraph.
After you show me your paragraph and submit it, work through this scavenger hunt. YOU MUST DO PART 2 AND PART 6 FIRST! Good luck!
Click here to share your opinion
After submitting your ¶, play this game to review internet safety
To login: 1st and last name squished together + 537 (marenbanwell537)
Normal password
Click here to take your test
Click here for the review game
Test is Wednesday!