Add info and examples to your notes as you watch GENRES, SON!
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It’s almost WINTER BREAK….
Play this game to review your unit 5 words.
Take your vocabulary unit 5 quiz. Login with your first and last name + 898 (marenbanwell898) and your normal password.
Diff – this is the link to your review game and then to your Latin unit 5 quiz.
EVERYONE: After your quiz, review figurative language by playing this game. Show me when you beat it!
If you still have time after that, choose any of the games or videos under the NESA-R Practice tab and Figurative Language. NO AGARIO!
- Highlight your ENTIRE narrative
- Hit the apple key and C at the same time to COPY
- Open Microsoft Word (big blue W in dock)
- Paste your story by hitting the apple key and V at the same time
- Go up to TOOLS and choose SPELLING and GRAMMAR to edit your narrative
- Copy the edited one and paste it into goog – erase the one that was there – this is the one I will grade. Have at least one other person read it over and make sure it’s AMAZING!
Play this game to review vocabulary unit 5
Diff – play this game or use these flashcards to review Latin unit 5
Dec. 8
If you finish adding to your narrative, you may practice your figurative language skills:
Play battleship
challenge board (like jeopardy – one or two players)
Narrative FIRST DRAFT: Follow the directions below
1. Type your first and last name at the top of your narrative and double space it
2. Highlight your ENTIRE narrative
3. Hit the apple key and C at the same time to COPY
4. Open Microsoft Word (big blue W in dock)
5. Paste your story by hitting the apple key and V at the same time
6. Go up to TOOLS and choose SPELLING and GRAMMAR to edit your narrative
8. Copy the edited one and paste it into goog – erase the one that was there
9. Click HERE to review vocabulary.
SURPRISE! S.E. HINTON is a GIRL! She was only 16 when she wrote The Outsiders.
S.E. Hinton video (7.5 min.) click here.
Find out more by clicking here.
After you discover more about the author, do Vocab unit 4 review in quia. Done with that? Try this game that reviews all of our words so far.
Diff English: After learning about S.E. Hinton, play this game or try this one to review your Latin unit 4 lesson. If it asks you to install Java Script, go ahead and do that.
Nov. 17
Play this game to test your knowledge of The Outsiders. Show the guest teacher your “1,000,000 screen” if you get there!
Scary Sensory Scene
Using your pre-write from yesterday, begin writing your scary sensory scene. Remember the objective is to DESCRIBE using sensory details like sights, sounds, thoughts and feelings.
Click here to start typing. Login 1st and last name +898 marenbanwell898
Do NOT submit today. We will finish Friday.
Need ideas? Watch again – turn sound off.
October 27
Login – 1st and last name + 898 (marenbanwell898)
Password – normal one
Regular English – click here to take your unit 3 vocabulary quiz then finish reading c. 5 of The Outsiders.
Diff English – take your Latin test by going to Diff English tab, Latin Tests and follow those directions
October 9
Play the vocabulary review game by clicking the vocabulary tab and choosing the game for unit 2
Click here to take your TEST.
User name is first and last name + 898 (marenbanwell898)
Password is your normal LPS password
READ when you are finished. Your book is due Oct. 19!