BackPack Fundraising Updates!
Maxey’s Hats ON for Hunger day, held March 8, 2024 brought in $895.88!! WOW!! Thank you for the generous support of students, staff and families for the Food Bank of Lincoln BackPack Program!
Hat Day Donations by grade levels:
Grade 1-$114.25
Grade 2-$164.00
Grade 3-$137.51
Grade 4-$99.02
Grade 5-$146.00
Staff -$3.00 (outside of grade level donations)
Total-$895.88 WAHOO!!!!!!!
Top amounts by grade/class:
Grade 5-Greve-$67
Grade 4-Firestone-$55
Grade 2-Agena-$49
Grade 1 & 3-Fordham & Rowe-$36
Preschool-Miss Caitlin-$15
116 T-Shirt orders and additional donations thus far have also been totaled: $2160.00! Thank you for your generous donations to the Food Bank of Lincoln. Donations can be made anytime online at the Food Bank of Lincoln website.
$895.88 + $2160.00 = $3,055.88 for the Food Bank of Lincoln. This will be added to the $3,924.26 already raised online and including donations from the Maxey Walkathon last fall ($2266.44). Maxey total: $6980.14 PLUS additional online donations . . Grand total as of 3-18-24: $9,015.14!! Thank you to the Maxey community for providing weekly backpacks of food for over 32 students and their families for an entire school year ($275 each). WOW!!
Once again, Maximizers (Maxey Student Council) donated $2000 to the BackPack funds!! Thank you, Maximizers!
Final totals as of 5-24-24 for Maxey/Food Bank Fundraisers 2024:
2024 Extra Mile (BackPack) Walk . . $11,488.66!!
Food items collected in the barrels at Maxey April/May 2024 . . 347 pounds!
Donations in honor of Mrs. Christen for retirement . . . $503.83!! WAHOO!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Did you know . .
The Food Bank of Lincoln has been supporting students in Lincoln Public Schools with food backpacks for 20 years? In 2004, the program started at Clinton Elementary School with 50 backpacks.
The BackPack Extra Mile Walk (held each spring at East High) was started 17 years ago. This free annual event marks the end of the LPS/Food Bank cooperative fundraiser each year.
Thank you again for your generous support of this important program positively affecting LPS students and families!
Ila Jean Traudt and Sheri Christen, Maxey BackPack Co-Captains

Maxey Walkathon 2023 . .
We had another FANTASTIC day of walking, singing, dancing and fund raising on Tuesday, September 26, 2023! Students and families made donations that day for the Lincoln Food Bank Backpack program!
A HUGE THANKS to the Maxey Community for your participation at the annual Maxey Walkathon and donations for the Backpack Program of the Food Bank of Lincoln!
Here are the totals for each grade:
- Kindergarten: $473.05
- 1st Grade: $301.1
- 2nd Grade: $512.74
- 3rd Grade: $421.95
- 4th Grade: $301.60
- 5th Grade: $256
The GRAND TOTAL: $2,266.44 WOW!! Wonderful!
Events from 2022-23
Last Fall, Maxey students and staff had an amazing event with singing, walking, weaving and supporting others.
Students sang songs about being Unique and walked on the track behind Maxey. They weaved a BE KIND banner and made donations to the Lincoln Food Bank’s Backpack Program.
Last spring . . T-Shirts, Donations, and BackPack Extra Mile Walk
Students and families gathered donations and participated in a BackPack Extra Mile Walk at East High School, some (127) even supported the cause with a t-shirt! Students and staff will also participated in a “Hats ON for Hunger” day at Maxey!
Funds raised 22-23:
Walkathon in September of 22:$2,300
Hat Day, March 31 2023 . . $1200
Maximizers (Wednesday Sales) . . $2000
General fundraising by students/families and T-shirt purchases brought the total to: $10,943.82! TOP Fundraising school in LPS! THANKS to students, staff and families for supporting this important cause!!
If you have additional questions, can try to help or will get another contact for you!
Sheri Christen, Maxey Backpack Program co-captain
Ila Jean Traudt, Maxey Backpack Program co-captain