2022 A-6 District Champions!
2017 A-2 District Champions!
2016 A-6 District Champions!
2015 A-5 District Champions!

2015 District A5 Champions! Front Row: Coach Doug Miller, Jack Strong, Zach Houchens, Travis Henninger, Brock Olson, Caleb Calafiore, Ryan O’Dell, Austin Bennett, Garrett Olson, Coach Montana Jones Back Row: Coach Jeff Pappas, Coach Griffin DePriest, Alex Holman, Jefferson Geidner, Max Colligan, Nolan Hoffman, Noah Kulhanek, Ilum Hansen, Connor Curry, Brian Meyer, Luke Johnson, Brett Sheppard, Coach Noa Craft
Welcome to the Lincoln Southeast Baseball website. Lincoln Southeast has a proud tradition of baseball excellence that has been laid by the coaches and players before us. It is the goal of the baseball program to continue and build on this winning tradition. This website’s intention is to provide an avenue for communication to our players, parents, and community. On the site you will find information about the program, coaches, philosophies, off-season workouts, summer leagues, tryout information, and a calendar to keep up with day to day activity of the baseball program. We also encourage all players, parents, and community members to follow our twitter page for daily announcements.
LSE Baseball schedules can be found at http://www.heartlandathleticconference.org/g5-bin/client.cgi?G5genie=406