Kindergarten – Language Arts


KNOWLEDGE OF PRINT-Students will demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of print.

LA 0.1.1.a Identify variations in print (e.g., font, size, bold, italic, upper/lower case)

LA 0.1.1.b. Explain that the purpose of print is to carry information (e.g., environmental print, names)

LA 0.1.1.c Demonstrate voice to print match (e.g., student points to print as someone reads)

LA 0.1.1.d Demonstrate understanding that words are made up of letters

LA 0.1.1.e Identify parts of a book (e.g., cover, pages, title, author, illustrator)

LA 0.1.1.f Demonstrate knowledge that print reads from left to right and top to bottom

LA 0.1.1.g Identify punctuation (e.g., period, exclamation mark, question mark)

PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS Students will demonstrate phonological awareness through oral activities.

LA 0.1.2.a Segment spoken sentences into words

LA 0.1.2.b Identify and produce oral rhymes

LA 0.1.2.c Blend, segment, and count syllable sounds in spoken words (e.g., cupcake, birthday)

LA 0.1.2.d Blend spoken onsets and rimes to form simple words (e.g., v-an, gr-ab)

LA 0.1.2.e Segment onsets and rimes orally (e.g., v-an, gr-ab)

LA 0.1.2.f Blend phonemes in spoken words (e.g., c-a-t = cat)

LA 0.1.2.g Segment phonemes in spoken words (e.g., sit = /s/ /i/ /t/)

LA 0.1.2.h Identify same beginning sounds; recognize same sounds in different words


LA 0.1.3.a Identify upper and lower case letters

LA 0.1.3.b Match consonant and short vowel sounds to appropriate letters (e.g., matching letters to sounds while writing)

LA 0.1.3.c Read at least 25 basic high frequency words from a commonly used list: I, see, my, like, a, at, to, and, can, go, is, here, for, have, said, the, play, she, are, he, no, mom, dad, yes, me, love, you, it, in, by, look, am, this, up, we, on

LA 0.1.3.d Use phonetic knowledge to write (e.g., approximated spelling)

LA 0.1.3.e Recognize known words in connected text (e.g., big book, environmental print, class list, labels)

LA 0.1.3.f Identify similarities and differences in words (e.g., word endings, onset and rime) when spoken or written

VOCABULARY – Students will build literary, general academic, and content specific grade level vocabulary.

LA 0.1.5.a Examine word structure elements and word patterns to determine meaning (e.g., plural forms, simple compounds)

LA 0.1.5.b Relate new grade level vocabulary to prior knowledge and use in new situations

LA 0.1.5.c Develop awareness of context clues (e.g., predictions, word and sentence clues) and text features (e.g., titles, bold print, illustrations) that may be used to infer the meaning of unknown words

LA 0.1.5.d Identify and sort pictures of objects into conceptual categories (e.g., colors, shapes)

LA 0.1.5.e Determine word meaning using reference materials and classroom resources (e.g., word wall, picture dictionary, peer(s), teacher)

LA 0.1.5.f Understands academic language (e.g. period; question mark; characters and setting; title, vowel, real, make-believe; author and illustrator)

FLUENCY – Students will develop accuracy, phrasing, and expression during grade level reading experiences.

LA 0.1.4.a Imitate adult’s expression, reflecting meaning with voice (e.g., pause, stress, phrasing)

LA 0.1.4.b Imitate repeating language patterns during reading (e.g., modeled reading, choral reading)

LA 0.1.4.c Read familiar text with others, maintaining an appropriate pace

LA 0.1.5.d Name alphabet letters quickly and automatically

COMPREHENSIONStudents will extract and construct meaning using prior knowledge, applying text information, and monitoring comprehension while reading grade level text.

LA 0.1.6.a Explain that the author and illustrator create books

LA 0.1.6.b Identify elements of the story including setting, character, and events

LA 0.1.6.c Retell information from narrative text including characters, setting, and events in sequence

LA 0.1.6.d Indicate that authors use words in different ways (e.g., rhythm, repeating line, simile, alliteration, onomatopoeia, sensory details)

LA 0.1.6.e Retell main ideas from informational text

LA 0.1.6.f Identify text features in informational text (e.g., titles, bold print, illustrations)

LA 0.1.6.g Demonstrate a basic knowledge of familiar narrative and informational text genres (e.g., fairy tales, nursery rhymes, picture books, how-to-books)

LA 0.1.6.h Make connections between characters or events in narrative and informational text, to own life or other cultures

LA 0.1.6.i Generate and/or answer clarifying questions (who, what, when, where, why, how), supporting answers using prior knowledge and information from the text

LA 0.1.6.j Identify different purposes for reading (e.g., information, pleasure)

LA 0.1.6.k Build and activate prior knowledge in order to identify text to self, text to text, and text to world connections before, during, and after reading

LA 0.1.6.l Make predictions about a text using prior knowledge, pictures, and titles

LA 0.1.6.m Respond to text verbally, in writing, or artistically


WRITING PROCESS – Students will use writing to communicate.

LA 0.2.1.a Demonstrate that writing communicates thoughts and ideas

LA 0.2.1.b Apply prewriting activities to generate ideas (e.g., brainstorming, discussions, drawing, mentor texts, personal/classroom experiences)

LA 0.2.1.c Generate representations of ideas (e.g., sketches, labels, letter strings, words, simple sentences); select and organize ideas relevant to a topic

LA 0.2.1.d Revise writing by adding details

LA 0.2.1.e Edit writing for format and conventions (e.g., correct spelling of frequently used words, basic punctuation such as period, exclamation mark, question mark)

LA 0.2.1.f Publish a legible document (e.g., handwritten)

LA 0.2.1.g Print all uppercase and lowercase letters, attending to the form of the letters

WRITING GENRES – Student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences in multiple genres.

LA 0.2.2.a Write for a specific purpose (e.g., stories from our lives, pattern books, poetry, research writing)

LA 0.2.2.b Write to known audience or specific reader (e.g., letter to a familiar person, note to teacher or self )

LA 0.2.2.c Write story from his/her life with a beginning, middle, and end


SPEAKING SKILLSStudents will develop and demonstrate speaking skills to communicate key ideas in a variety of situations.

LA 0.3.1.a Communicate ideas orally in daily classroom activities and routines

LISTENING SKILLS – Students will develop and demonstrate active listening skills across a variety of situations.

LA 0.3.2.a Demonstrate listening skills needed for multiple situations and modalities (e.g., stories, songs, conversations, student sharing, teacher presentation)

LA 0.3.2.b Complete a task after listening for information

LA 0.3.2.c Listen and retell main ideas of information

RECIPROCAL COMMUNICATION – Students will demonstrate reciprocal communication skills.

LA 0.3.3.a Demonstrate awareness of and sensitivity to the use of words (e.g., helpful and hurtful words)

LA 0.3.3.b Demonstrate conversation strategies (e.g., face the speaker, listen while others are talking, take turns talking, eye contact)

LA 0.3.3.c Participate in learning situations (e.g., small groups, show and share, cooperative problem solving, play


MULTIPLE LITERACIES – Students will gain knowledge, identify main idea, and communicate information in a variety of media and formats (textual, visual, and digital).

LA 0.4.1.a Identify resources to find information (e.g., print, electronic)

LA 0.4.1.b Demonstrate understanding of authorship of print and online resources

LA 0.4.1.c Demonstrate awareness of safe behaviors when communicating and interacting with others (e.g. rules for internet use)

LA 0.4.1.d Engage in activities with learners from a variety of cultures through electronic means (e.g., podcasts, video chats, distance learning)

LA 0.4.1.e Gather and share information and opinions as a result of communication with others (e.g., computer applications, teacher controlled internet downloads, multimedia presentations)

LA 0.4.1.f Ask questions for information or clarification