What Do You Need?


The initial implementation of videoconferencing equipment for LPS high schools consists primarily of LifeSize endpoints with large screen HDTVs and carts. This equipment, with high resolution camera and powerful microphone allows for larger groups to experience the videoconference. A cart like this is used by a Distance Learning Teacher so that camera presets can be set up, and camera positions can be quickly changed by the teacher using a remote.

LifeSize Endpoints (various models)

LifeSize videoconferencing endpoint (sometimes called a CODEC—stands for code/decode, referring to the video and audio) The endpoint comes with the following components:

  • LifeSize HD Camera
  • Remote control
  • Microphone/conference phone
  • Power Supply
  • Cables

Supporting Components, purchased separately

  • Large screen HDTV
  • Cart
  • Laptop (for sharing information: slide shows, web pages or anything on the computer with local and remote participants)
  • Projector (optional)
  • Document camera (optional)

See the LPS recommended purchases page for pricing and details.

Desktop solution for your computer or mobile device

A desktop solution for videoconferencing (Zoom) is widely available for LPS staff, meaning you can do videoconferencing right on your laptop or any computer with a webcam and microphone. The mobile Zoom app works on any tablet or smartphone.

Anyone can attend a Zoom meeting using the meeting invitation from the person hosting the meeting. Check out the Zoom support page for information on how to get started.

Other parts of the solution installed at LPSDO:

  • Video Center—HD streaming, recording and auto-publishing solution, for recording and playback of classes, meetings or training. Only the LifeSize equipment can record to the Video Center. A Distance Learning course is assigned a “channel,” and the instructor is given a “recording key.” Permissions are set on the channel to control who can access the videos.