108B LB1253 LPS Testimony

Dear Education Committee:

LPS supports LB1253.  The research results from this bill could be of immense value to districts across the state and be very beneficial to teachers, students, and families.  LPS does have some hestitation with the bill.  In discussing the bill with LPS staff, they expressed concern over the use of the research results.  If the results are individualized for each child with dyslexia to purposefully match strategy to the child’s program, it could be very beneficial.  If the results are generalized and applied to all children with dyslexia in a mass implementation, it may actually inhibit the reading development of students if it results in a mismatch between strategy and need.  At this point, LPS is in support of LB1253 and recommends that it pass from Education Committee to General File.  If amendments are added that appear to ignore a case-by-case application of the bill, LPS may change its support.

John P. Neal
Lincoln Public Schools

Recent LPS testimony

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