108B LB1053 LPS Testimony

Dear Education Committee:

LPS supports LB1053.  The bill would create a $2,500 retention grant for teachers who qualify for retirement when the sum of the member’s attained age and creditable service totals eight-five and sign a contract to serve as a full-time teacher for additional years past retirement. Teachers would only be eligible to receive grants for five years up to school year 2028-29.  This bill is so important during this time of teacher shortages.  Keeping master teachers in the profession not only continues superior instruction for students, master teachers also play a critical mentor role to guide and support new teachers just entering the profession.  The support of master teachers is often noted by young teachers as one of the most important factors in their being able to survive the first five years of their careers.

John P. Neal
Lincoln Public Schools

Recent LPS testimony

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Testimony on LB550 to Require school districts to adopt a policy that excuses students to attend a course for religious instruction by Lincoln Board of Education member, Piyush Srivastav

109A LB528

Testimony on LB528 to Change and eliminate provisions relating to grants from the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB497

Testimony on LB497 to Provide for admission of and participation in extracurricular activities by certain students that are not residents of the school district by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB463

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109A LB557

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109A LB549

Testimony on LB549 to Allow a school board to employ a chaplain, including in a volunteer capacity, at a school by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta