108B LB1012 LPS Testimony

Dear Education Committee:

LPS supports LB1012 because it amends and expands sections 79-10,110.02 relating to Qualified Capital Purpose Undertaking Fund (QCPUF) to include school safety infrastructure concerns.

Over the past quarter-century, public schools have been required to add more and more safety and security capital and programmatic expenses without any recognition of those costs within the TEEOSA formula.

The opportunity to utilize the QCPUF levy to address ongoing, necessary, infrastructure changes to ensure the safety of students and staff daily, and all of the public that visits our schools at other times, at least provides a vehicle for many of the expenses that districts face within the existing levy limit.

John P. Neal
Lincoln Public Schools

Recent LPS testimony

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109A LB528

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109A LB497

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109A LB463

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109A LB557

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109A LB549

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