107B LB1237 LPS Testimony

February 9, 2022

Sen. Lou Ann Linehan, Chairperson
Sen. Joni Albrecht
Sen. Elliot Bostar
Sen. Tom Briese
Sen. Mike Flood
Sen. Curt Friesen
Sen. Brett Lindstrom, Vice Chairperson
Sen. Rich Pahls

Good afternoon distinguished members of the Revenue Committee: My name is Connie Duncan, C-O-N-N-I-E D-U-N-C-A-N. I am a member of the Lincoln Board of Education and representing the Nebraska Association of Schools Boards as well as Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association, Nebraska Council of School Administrators, and Schools Taking Action for Nebraska Children’s Education. I am offering testimony in opposition to LB 1237.

I am focusing my testimony on how the bill fails to accomplish its stated goals in Section 2, subsection 1, that opportunity scholarships “will improve the quality of education available to ALL children.”

First, LB1237 makes these funds available to “qualified schools”, defined as private schools that are allowed to discriminate in enrollment based on any grounds other than race. So, for instance the state would define private schools that discriminated against children based on their religious beliefs as “qualifying schools” and eligible to receive these scholarships. Other qualified schools may discriminate on sex or disability. They could even discriminate on things such as the behavior of the child or the child’s parents. These scholarships are not intended to be for ALL Nebraska children. [If asked – Section 3, Subsection 4; Page 3, Lines 19-26].

Second, the bill prohibits the state from requiring financial or academic accountability measures to ensure that the funds improve quality education opportunities, education outcomes or that the funds are even used for educational purposes. This makes it impossible to measure changes in quality, so that part of the goal improving quality of education cannot be met. [If asked – Section 12, page 11, lines 2-8]

Improving quality education opportunities for all children is a laudable goal, but we believe that the bill as written cannot accomplished it.

On the other hand, non-discriminatory enrollment practices and financial and academic accountability measures are hallmarks of public schools, are in place and are being monitored by School Boards across the state.

For these reasons, we ask the Revenue Committee to indefinitely postpone LB1237.

Recent LPS testimony

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