Hanna Savidge — Rookie Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics


Hanna Savidge, fourth grade teacher at Randolph Elementary School, has been named 2022 Rookie Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics. This award was established in 2000 to honor rookie mathematics teachers who demonstrate outstanding teaching in their beginning years of teaching.


The Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics named Randolph Elementary School fourth-grade teacher Hanna Savidge 2022 Rookie Teacher of the Year. Established in 2000, this award recognizes teachers in their first three years of teaching who demonstrate outstanding work in the area of mathematics.

Randolph Principal Monica Jochum wrote in her nomination letter:

“Hanna does all she can to ensure her students have the best instruction possible. Hannah will have a student come up and share the way they solved a problem. The rest of the class is intently listening for understanding of their method. The students then follow up with questions connected to the student's thinking. The students have a very natural conversation about their mathematical thinking. All the while, Hanna is listening with a keen ear and facilitating the conversation. She allows her students to lead the conversations and steps in to guide or ask follow up questions. Through her routines and procedures she has fostered a love of mathematical and deep problem solving in a community of learners.”


That the Lincoln Board of Education adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, Hanna Savidge, fourth grade teacher at Randolph Elementary School has been named 2022 Rookie Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics; and

WHEREAS, Hanna Savidge successfully facilitates learning and supports student growth through natural conversations about the thinking process and encouraging higher-level mathematical thinking; and

WHEREAS, Hanna Savidge has devoted her time and efforts in improving her craft of teaching to better engage her students and make a greater impact on students’ math growth and critical thinking; and

WHEREAS, Hanna Savidge is widely admired and respected among her peers both within Lincoln Public Schools and the State of Nebraska;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lincoln Board of Education does hereby congratulate Hanna Savidge for being selected as the 2022 Rookie Teacher of the Year by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics.