Betsy Barent: Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science Catalyst Award


Lincoln Public Schools K-12 Curriculum Specialist Betsy Barent was recently honored by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science with the Catalyst Award. The organization’s highest honor recognizes “contributions to science education in Nebraska.”


Lincoln Public Schools K-12 Curriculum Specialist Betsy Barent was recently honored by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science with the Catalyst Award. The organization’s highest honor recognizes “contributions to science education in Nebraska.”

In addition to leading the way in implementing science curriculum in LPS, Betsy has been involved in state, regional and national science education projects. As Nebraska science teachers were adopting additional 2013 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Besty was leading the workshop. She has also led professional development sessions for science teachers from Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas. Betsy has also contributed to the “Understanding Science” website developed by the University of California Museum of Paleontology.

NATS President Kristen Benton said:

“I was a relatively new teacher and had almost no training on NGSS-style teaching, and I recall being in awe of Betsy’s enthusiasm for the new standards, her level of expertise and her willingness to coach other teachers. Her contributions to the group discussions, her explanations about the construction of our standards and her thorough knowledge about how to develop the assessments were, in effect, a master class on education. Betsy honestly inspired me that week to take on the challenge of pushing for change in my own district.”


That the Lincoln Board of Education adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, Lincoln Public Schools K-12 Science Curriculum Specialist Betsy Barent was recently honored by the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science with the Catalyst Award; and

WHEREAS, Betsy Barent has sparked the passion and interest of science for many students through her teaching and curriculum work; and

WHEREAS, Betsy Barent provided outstanding leadership and worked collaboratively in implementing the Nebraska Department of Education and Next Generation Science Standards; and

WHEREAS, Betsy Barent is highly admired and respected by her colleagues not only at LPS, but across the state and the nation;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lincoln Board of Education does hereby congratulate Betsy Barent on her achievement of the Catalyst Award from the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Science.