Lance Nielsen — Nebraska State Bandmasters Association 2021 Outstanding Administrator Award


The Nebraska State Bandmasters Association has honored Lincoln Public Schools Supervisor of Music Lance Nielsen with its 2021 Outstanding Administrator Award. This award honors an administrator for his or her support, interest and encouragement of their school instrumental music programs. Nielsen supervises music in six high schools, 12 middle schools and 39 elementary schools. Nielsen also has taught for 30 years at both the K-12 and college levels.


The Nebraska State Bandmasters Association has honored Lincoln Public Schools Supervisor of Music Lance Nielsen with its 2021 Outstanding Administrator Award.  

Here’s what Mickle Middle School Band Instructor Mary Pfoltner said about Nielsen:

“He wants every opportunity available to be provided for the music students in Lincoln Public Schools and he strives to support all the music staff as well. He knows and understands the benefits of music in a person’s life and wants everyone to enjoy music to its fullest. He supervises six high schools, 12 middle schools and 39 elementary buildings. He needs to be extremely organized and on top of his game to keep all these different and unique music programs operating. He organizes and facilitates all festivals and contests. He deals with music, repair and supply budgets. He is promoting music and his teachers to the fullest extent and truly enjoys watching the individual programs and students grow into great musicians. In this terrible pandemic he has spent countless hours keeping up on the latest research in order for music to continue as safely as possible in our schools. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty for Lincoln Public Schools.”


That the Lincoln Board of Education adopt the following resolution: 

WHEREAS, the Nebraska State Bandmasters Association has honored Lincoln Public Schools Supervisor of Music Lance Nielsen with its 2021 Outstanding Administrator Award; and

WHEREAS, Lance Nielsen has dedicated the last 30 years of his career to music education; and

WHEREAS, Lance Nielsen has been a tireless advocate and leader for the music programs at Lincoln Public Schools; and

WHEREAS, Lance Nielsen is dedicated to providing music teachers the resources and support they need; and

WHEREAS, Lance Nielsen understands the lifelong impact that music education can have on students;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Lincoln Board of Education

does hereby congratulate Lance Nielsen for winning the 2021 Outstanding Administrator Award from the Nebraska State Bandmasters Association.