
When you’ve previously downloaded any Document from DocuShare and made changes to it on your computer, updating DocuShare with the new version couldn’t be much easier.

  1. Click the red Upload a New Version icon that looks like an up arrow. The Add Version page appears.
  2. Click the Browse button.
  3. Navigate to the location on your computer that contains the document you want to add as a new version, select it, and click Open.
  4. In the Title field the new version is assigned the original document’s title. You may change it if you wish.
  5. Enter any comments in the Version Commentsfield if you like. This can be valuable in the future when you can’t remember which version of your document was which.NOTE:If the previous version of the document was Locked, the Unlock Document field appears. Click ‘No’ if you do not want to unlock the document after adding the new version. For more information about “Locked” documents view the documentation in the DocuShare User’s Guide titled LOCKING DOCUMENTS.
  6. Click Apply.

Viewing a document’s version history

  1. Click the Properties icon for the document you wish to view the history of. The View Properties page appears.
  2. Click the Version History link in the left column. The page displays all saved versions of the document.
  3. To view a specific version of the document, click its title.


Max Versions

By default, DocuShare saves the four most recent versions of a document. In other words, when you upload the 5th version, the 1st version disappears. You can change this default setting by changing the document’s Max Versions property on the Edit Properties screen.