LPS student enrollment continues to grow
The number of children served at Lincoln Public Schools continues to rise, hitting a new record 42,297 this school year.
The enrollment numbers officially turned in to the Nebraska Department of Education on Tuesday show there is an increase of 2,312 students, or 5.5 percent, during the past five years. Over the last 10 years, the district has seen growth of more than 6,403 students, or roughly 15 percent. This growth is occurring throughout the community – in both older and newer neighborhoods.
“We continue to see significant growth all over Lincoln,” said Liz Standish, LPS associate superintendent for Business Affairs. “Our work updating the 10-year facility and infrastructure plan is critically important to the future of the school district.”
“We want to thank the Lincoln community for its continued support in understanding the importance of public education to this growing city,” added Matt Larson, LPS associate superintendent for Instruction. “With our community’s support and partnership, we continue to provide quality teaching and learning throughout the city.”
Other Numbers of Note
- Five LPS high schools continue to have enrollments exceeding 2,000. The largest high school is Lincoln High School — in central Lincoln — at 2,362. East High School grew the most in one year, adding 93 students and pushing it to 2,311.
- During the past five years, Lincoln High served an additional 499 students and East added 563 students. North Star, Southeast and Southwest all have over 2,000 students this school year.
- Scott Middle School — in south Lincoln — has the largest middle school enrollment with 1,113 students. Schoo — in northwest Lincoln — is the second largest in LPS with 916 students.
- Park, Goodrich and Irving middle schools have in excess of 800 students each.
- Since Moore Middle School opened its doors in 2017 with 308 students, it has nearly doubled, with 612 students in 2019.
- The largest elementary school is Roper Elementary — in west Lincoln — with 884 students. LPS has two other elementary schools exceeding 800, with Adams — in south Lincoln — serving 829, and Belmont — in north Lincoln — serving 821.
- The largest class is fifth grade, with 3,267 students.
** The official student enrollment count for LPS is recorded each year on or near Oct. 1, when numbers are reported to the State Department of Education.
For more information: Mindy Burbach, Director of Communications, 402-436-1609, or by emailing mburbach@lps.org.
October 1st Snapshot of Student Enrollment
Category | October 2018 | October 2019 |
K–12 Total | 40,395 | 40,503 |
Early Childhood | 1,716 | 1,743 |
Student Child Learning Centers | 36 | 31 |
Served by Home Visitors | 23 | 20 |
All Students Served | 42,070 | 42,297 |
An increase of 227 total students served as of October 1, 2019
School | Total Attendance |
Elementary Schools Total | 20,421 |
Arnold | 776 |
Adams | 829 |
Beattie | 394 |
Belmont | 821 |
Brownell | 335 |
Campbell | 655 |
Calvert | 363 |
Cavett | 636 |
Clinton | 444 |
Educare | 143 |
Eastridge | 291 |
Elliott | 398 |
Hartley | 394 |
Fredstrom | 469 |
Hill | 527 |
Holmes | 416 |
Huntington | 456 |
Humann | 530 |
Kooser | 777 |
Kahoa | 582 |
Kloefkorn | 484 |
Lakeview | 380 |
McPhee | 301 |
Meadow Lane | 611 |
Maxey | 683 |
Morley | 476 |
Norwood Park | 262 |
Everett | 449 |
Pershing | 471 |
Prescott | 561 |
Pyrtle | 470 |
Randolph | 481 |
Riley | 336 |
Rousseau | 573 |
Saratoga | 271 |
Sheridan | 489 |
West Lincoln | 524 |
Zeman | 433 |
Roper | 884 |
Wysong | 542 |
School | Total Attendance |
Middle Schools Total | 9,097 |
Culler | 634 |
Dawes | 450 |
Park | 834 |
Goodrich | 886 |
Irving | 828 |
Lefler | 575 |
Mickle | 732 |
Pound | 727 |
Scott | 1,113 |
Lux | 790 |
Schoo | 916 |
Moore | 612 |
School | Total Attendance |
High Schools Total | 12,779 |
Lincoln High | 2,362 |
East | 2,311 |
Northeast | 1,779 |
Southeast | 2,077 |
North Star | 2,164 |
Southwest | 2,055 |