EducationQuest provides free college planning services, need-based scholarship programs, college access grants for high schools, college access resources for middle schools, and outreach services for community agencies.
They can help with:
* Talking through your college admissions questions
* Explaining & creating an effective scholarship process
* Completing your FAFSA!
Jasmine Brown will be here at LHS, beginning Oct. 23rd every other Monday. She can work with students that need help filling out the FAFSA or completing scholarship applications. She will be in Room 200P (inside the Main Office) Students can sign up https://app.10to8.com/book/lincolnhigh/ to meet with her or email her at jasmineb@educationquest.org
Contact EducationQuest at:
1300 O Street
402-475-5222 or 1-800-303-3745