Research and Resources

Journal Articles/Blog Posts

Allington, R. (2013) What really matters when working with struggling readers. Reading Teacher, 66(7), 520-530.

Archerd, E. (2013) An idea for improving English language learners’ access to education. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 41(2), 351-401.

Berg, H. Petron, M., & Greybeck, B. (2012). Setting the foundation for working with English language learners in the secondary classroom. American Secondary Education, 40(3), 34-44.

Brozo, W., & Fisher, D. (2010). Literacy Start with Teachers. Education Leadership, 67(6), 74-77.

Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2009). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Introduction and part I: Oral language proficiency. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(1), 10-16.

Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2010). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Part II: Academic language proficiency. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(2), 60-65.

Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2010). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Part III: Promoting literacy development. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(3), 106-111.

Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2010). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Part IV: Models for schools and districts. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(4), 156-163.

DeCapua, A., & Marshall, H.W. (2010). Students with limited or interrupted formal education in US classrooms. Urban Review, 42(2), 159-173.

Goldenber, C. (2014). Unlocking the research on English learners. Education Digest, 79(6), 36-46.

Huang, J., Ph.D., Kelly, C., Ericka, M., & Cristie, R. (2011). The assessment of English language learners with learning disabilities: issues, concerns, and implications. Education, 131(4), 732-739.

Pacheco, M., & Goodwin, A. (2013). Putting two and two together: middle schools students’ morphological problem-solving strategies for unknown words. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(7), 541-553.

Roskso, K., & Neuman, S. (2012). Classroom management for achieving readers. Reading Teacher, 65(5), 308-312.

Scott, A.N., Ph.D., Hauerwas, L.B., Ph.D., & Brown, R.D., Ph.D. (2014). State policy and guidance for identifying learning disabilities in culturally and linguistically diverse students. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37(3), 172-185.

Brown, C. L., & Broemmel, A. D. (2011). Deep scaffolding: Enhancing the reading experiences of English language learners. New England Reading Association, 46(2), 34-39. 


ELL reading development:  Modified guided reading, interventions and support

Colorin Colorado

Reading 101 for English Language Learners

Digital Citizenship

Library Subject Guides:  Digital Citizenship 

Screen Shot 2014-01-09 at 9.01.23 AMClassroom Instruction that Works with ELLs

This resource is available to check out through the LPS District Media Center.



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Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

This resource is available to check out through the LPS District Media Center.

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