Journal Articles/Blog Posts
Allington, R. (2013) What really matters when working with struggling readers. Reading Teacher, 66(7), 520-530.
Archerd, E. (2013) An idea for improving English language learners’ access to education. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 41(2), 351-401.
Berg, H. Petron, M., & Greybeck, B. (2012). Setting the foundation for working with English language learners in the secondary classroom. American Secondary Education, 40(3), 34-44.
Brozo, W., & Fisher, D. (2010). Literacy Start with Teachers. Education Leadership, 67(6), 74-77.
Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2009). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Introduction and part I: Oral language proficiency. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(1), 10-16.
Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2010). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Part II: Academic language proficiency. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(2), 60-65.
Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2010). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Part III: Promoting literacy development. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(3), 106-111.
Coleman, R., & Goldenberg, C. (2010). What does research say about effective practices for English learners? Part IV: Models for schools and districts. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 46(4), 156-163.
DeCapua, A., & Marshall, H.W. (2010). Students with limited or interrupted formal education in US classrooms. Urban Review, 42(2), 159-173.
Goldenber, C. (2014). Unlocking the research on English learners. Education Digest, 79(6), 36-46.
Huang, J., Ph.D., Kelly, C., Ericka, M., & Cristie, R. (2011). The assessment of English language learners with learning disabilities: issues, concerns, and implications. Education, 131(4), 732-739.
Pacheco, M., & Goodwin, A. (2013). Putting two and two together: middle schools students’ morphological problem-solving strategies for unknown words. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 56(7), 541-553.
Roskso, K., & Neuman, S. (2012). Classroom management for achieving readers. Reading Teacher, 65(5), 308-312.
Scott, A.N., Ph.D., Hauerwas, L.B., Ph.D., & Brown, R.D., Ph.D. (2014). State policy and guidance for identifying learning disabilities in culturally and linguistically diverse students. Learning Disability Quarterly, 37(3), 172-185.
Brown, C. L., & Broemmel, A. D. (2011). Deep scaffolding: Enhancing the reading experiences of English language learners. New England Reading Association, 46(2), 34-39.
ELL reading development: Modified guided reading, interventions and support
Colorin Colorado
Digital Citizenship
Library Subject Guides: Digital Citizenship
Classroom Instruction that Works with ELLs
This resource is available to check out through the LPS District Media Center.

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
This resource is available to check out through the LPS District Media Center.