A Continuum of Change-Secondary August Staff Development

In order for English Language Learners to work at an independent level on grade level materials, we need to focus on the language of the learning.  When ELL students are in general education classrooms, what strategies will they be using? What will it look like? What will it sound like and what will they be expected to do to be an active member in the classroom and access learning at an independent level?

To access the General Education pacing guides for reading, the language required for each skill taught and the common strategies that are used across grade levels, please see the following supports generated by the ELL Instructional Coaches:

ELL Language Support Guides by Grade Level

Kindergarten                     Fourth Grade

First Grade                         Fifth Grade

Second Grade                    Sixth Grade

Third Grade



Language Continuums

Language Continuum for Comprehension Skills and Strategies

Language Continuum for Grammar

Langauge Continuum for Vocabulary Strategies

Pacing Guides Across Grade Levels

Grammar Pacing

Comprehension Skills Pacing

Comprehension Strategies Pacing

Vocabulary Strategies Pacing

Click here for supports in planning and using online resources, as well as for recommendations about what pieces would be most appropriate for use in instructing language learners.

To utilize some of the components McGraw-Hill Wonders curriculum in your ELL classroom digitally, please click here.

For further information about why ELLs need to have language presented at their language level and scaffolded instruction in order to progress through both language learning and speaking, listening, reading, and writing, please read more here.

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