Planning with the Reading Continuum for K-5

We are always working at moving students toward grade level curriculum.  The work we do to provide students English language development with text that is accessible for their language level is crucial in helping them progress through the four domains of language.

Please examine the supports we’re providing.  These supports give students a chance to rehearse academic language, skills, and strategies that they will encounter in their general education classrooms while using text that is accessible with teacher support and text that is accessible independently.  Both are vitally important as we scaffold and solidify language for kids.

Presentation for Planning for the Reading Continuum K-5, including information about what  assessments are and are not appropriate for ELLs at various language levels. 

K-1 Planning with the Reading Continuum Exemplar

2-5 Planning with the Reading Continuum Examplar

K-1 Blank planning template as a PDF

2-5 Blank planning template as a PDF

K-1 Blank planning template that you can adapt 

2-5 Blank planning template you can adapt



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