When we’re asked into classrooms to support ELL students, we often start by asking teachers to plan with three guiding questions in mind…
1) What is the content my students are learning? (Content Objective)
2) What is the language students need to know in order to complete the task? (Language Objective)
3) How will I provide rehearsal ? (What will the content/language objective look like in action?)
We ask teachers to remember the acronym SWRRL as they think about how to provide rehearsal. It stands for:
Write it
Read it
Repeat it
to Learn it
ELLs need multiple opportunities to rehearse or practice language in order to “own the language” or truly make it part of their vocabulary. Give ELLs plenty of chances to do SWRRL with new language!
Say It: Callbacks, turn and talks, say it like a lion, say it like robot, read a response to a question aloud to a partner
Write it: Use sentence frames, write as a whole group, write in partners, write individually
Read it: Read aloud, read sentence frames aloud, read what students have written, read text to a partner, read chorally in whole group
Repeat it: Use cooperative learning structures to give students opportunities for repeated chances to say, write or read the new language.
Want more info on how to incorporate more opportunities for SWRRL in you classroom? Contact your ELL Instructional Coach! We love to help!