“What do I do? This student has no English! They can’t possibly…”
Ah, but they can! We just have to do a few things differently! Our Level One students are acquiring language all day long. We have to make “input” more comprehensible for them and try to create as many “i+1” moments as we can by providing scaffolds and reframing our brain about what “output” can look like.
Language is acquired through “input.” But “output,” or using that language to share your thinking and understanding, is what makes you smarter! Level One students can share their thinking in many different ways. Some helpful ways to support language input and output for Level One ELLs can be found in the resources below.
Level One Scaffolds and Supports
To see one of those scaffolds in action, click here to watch!
The following websites are great for Read Alouds and can easily be paired with a retelling activity, or simply drawing “I liked the part when…” One suggestion…preview the texts beforehand to make sure they are comprehensible! Sometimes, it is difficult to understand the story if the pictures don’t flow well with the text.
Language Notebook Response Ideas for Online Read Alouds
Sundance Literactive Readers: Leveled Readers Meegenius
You can even find some celebrities reading books aloud here:
Storyline Online Read to Me Speakaboos
World Book-Early World of Learning (which has books AND learning games!)
Find great introduction and practice for English language structures, vocabulary and early literacy skills at…
To access language support from Lincoln City Libraries, follow the steps found here.
***To make your own Level One Kit, find a list of all the ingredients here!***