Reflections on Friendships
This post was written a few days ago and I feel it is time to publish it. Please disregard all grammar mistakes thus far. I type these posts on my phone, many times late at night sweating profusely in a tent tired from a long day in the field. Revisions are not often an option. […]
July 26-29, 2022
July 26, 2022. Today was the final exam and field notebook hand in. The final exam was 45 questions of multiple choice, fill in the blank and practical identification of bones, fossils, rock type and stone tool type/characteristics. We then had 90 minutes to complete an essay question. My essay took about 45 minutes and […]
Base camp Koobi Fora: Day 29 – 34

July 9 – July 14, 2022. July 9. We arrived back at base camp in Koobi Fora for the remainder of the research. Unloading the lorry soon and setting up tents. Lunch will be very late today. At least 3pm until lunch. Went to the lake for a while to swim, relax and just not […]