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Creating a PhotoBlog with WordPress

Enjoy taking photos and want a web site that is a great showcase for them? In this video, I show you how in a few minutes, you can have a site that is a fantastic home for your pictures. [videojs webm=”” mp4=”″ width=”700″ height=”438″]

Using the Link Widget

The link widget is a great way to give folks easy access to related and important resources from nearly any page of your WordPress web site.

WordPress and Your Mobile

WordPress has applications available for iOS, Android and Blackberry. If your phone/handheld uses one of these operating systems, you could have a site management tool right in your pocket! To start using WordPress on your mobile device, do the following: Go to your site admin on a standard computer browser and select “Settings” > “Writing”. […]

Editing the WordPress Sidebar

Most WordPress sites come with a large section on the right side of the page for small bits of information to be shown using “Widgets”. If you’ve been frustrated with this section and wanted to know how to get rid of the default “Categories” and “Archives” widgets, how to add your own widgets or even […]

Feeling Squeezed by the WordPress Upload Quota? Optimize!

The upload quota on WordPress at LPS is currently set at 40 MB. A typical photo directly off of a digital camera is between 1 and 2 MB, and with newer cameras even larger. Given these two things, you could use up your whole quota in a single photo gallery! Bummer! So how can you […]

Tips to speed up your WordPress site

I was working on my wordpress site this morning and lamenting how slow it was loading. My first thought was, “What is going on with the server?!” Sometimes the server does slow down and we are always looking for ways to optimize and deliver better performance to our web sites, but very often there are […]

Placing Tables into WordPress Posts and Pages

I get asked a lot about placing tables into WordPress. I’m obligated to first say that tables are intended for tabular data that you wish to display in your site such as a directory or anything that would feel at home in a spreadsheet. Tables are not intended to be used as a layout tool […]

WordPress admin on smaller screens

If you are on a smaller computer display, composing and editing posts and pages can be a bit tricky as some of the page elements may overlap each other. Here are two easy tricks you can use to make everything fit.

Pasting from Word? Please view this…

It’s come to my attention that if you paste from Microsoft Word directly into WordPress WITHOUT using the “Paste from Word” button in WordPress, that Internet Explorer users on Windows are unable to view your content. The simple solution is to always use “Paste from Word” when you are pasting in your text.
Need more explanation […]

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