Testimony on Bills

Legislative Sessions

Testimony Provided by Other Education Associations on Bills of Interest to LPS

The position of these associations are not necessarily the positions of Lincoln Public Schools.

109th Legislature, First Session, 2025

109A LB149

Testimony on LB411 to Eliminate the prohibition on suspending a student in prekindergarten through second grade by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB411

Testimony on LB411 to Change provisions relating to the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB49

Testimony on LB49 to Provide for a model ban and bar policy for school districts by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB652

Testimony on LB652 to Terminate the Board of Educational Lands and Funds by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB714

Testimony on LB714 to Change provisions relating to the review and modification of an incarcerated parent’s child support order by LPS Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, Liz Standish

109A LB550

Testimony on LB550 to Require school districts to adopt a policy that excuses students to attend a course for religious instruction by Lincoln Board of Education member, Piyush Srivastav

109A LB528

Testimony on LB528 to Change and eliminate provisions relating to grants from the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB497

Testimony on LB497 to Provide for admission of and participation in extracurricular activities by certain students that are not residents of the school district by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB463

Testimony on LB463 to Require school districts to develop a cardiac emergency response plan under the School Safety and Security Reporting Act and provide for grants for such plans from the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund by Director of Health Services, Wendy Rau

109A LB557

Testimony on LB557 to Change provisions relating to the enrollment option program, provide funding to students denied option enrollment, and eliminate provisions relating to open enrollment option students and diversity plans by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LB549

Testimony on LB549 to Allow a school board to employ a chaplain, including in a volunteer capacity, at a school by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LB624

Testimony on LB624 to Appropriate funds to the State Treasurer for education scholarships by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LB213

Testimony on LB213 to Require the State Board of Education to adopt academic content standards on human embryology under the science education standards by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LR18CA

Testimony on LR18CA — Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LR16CA

Testimony on LR16CA — Constitutional amendment to require the Legislature to reimburse political subdivisions by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LB173

Testimony on LB173 to Appropriate funds for aid to community colleges and state intent by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB417

Testimony on LB417 to Provide for administration of the Nebraska Promise Program by the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, adopt the College Promise Act, and change provisions relating to the Quality Education Accountability Act by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LB692

Testimony on LB692 to Change provisions relating to property tax request authority under the School District Property Tax Limitation Act by Liz Standish, Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs

109A LB303

Testimony on LB303 to Change provisions relating to foundation aid and certain certification dates and provide for base levy adjustments under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act and create the School Finance Reform Commission by Liz Standish, Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs

109A LB389

Testimony on LB389 to Eliminate the levy authority of educational service units and provide state funding to educational service units by Educational Service Unit 18 Treasurer, Liz Standish

109A LB89

Testimony on LB89 to Adopt the Stand With Women Act by Korby Gilbertson representing Lincoln Public Schools

109A LB509

Testimony on LB509 to Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide for income tax credits by Board of Education Member, Kathy Danek

109A LB31

Testimony on LB31 to require school policies relating to the use of student surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technology by school districts by Chief Technology Officer, Kirk Langer

109A LB567

Testimony on LB567 to Authorize school policies relating to community engagement by Director of Community Learning Centers, Nola Derby-Bennett

109A LB504

Testimony on LB504 to adopt the Age-Appropriate Online Design Code Act by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB390

Testimony on LB390 to require each school board to adopt a policy relating to access by a parent, guardian, or educational decision-maker to certain school library information by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB84

Testimony on LB84 to Adopt the School Psychologist Interstate Licensure Compact by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB282

Testimony on LB282 to Provide for reimbursement for teachers for school supplies by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB300

Testimony on LB300 to Change provisions relating to the Superintendent Pay Transparency Act and provide a limit for superintendent and educational service unit administrator compensation by Korby Gilbertson representing Lincoln Public Schools

109A LB352

Testimony on LB352 to Change provisions relating to reports on student achievement and discipline required under the Quality Education Accountability Act by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB135

Testimony on LB135 to Provide, change, and eliminate provisions relating to elections for certain purposes related to bonds and tax levies by Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, Liz Standish

108th Legislature, Committee Interim Hearings, 2024

108 Committee Interim Hearings LR320/LR425

Statement of Record on LR320 — Interim study to determine whether students with disabilities have experienced increased ability to access option enrollment opportunities in Nebraska and to examine potential changes to the enrollment option program to better ensure students with disabilities have an increased ability to access option enrollment opportunities.

108 Committee Interim Hearings LR321

Testimony on LR321 — Interim study to determine the scope and use of student surveillance, monitoring, and tracking technology by school officials in Nebraska

108th Legislature, Special Session 1, 2024

108S1 LR17CA

Testimony on LR17CA — Each governmental subdivision shall reserve at least three percent of its fiscal year spending, excluding bonded debt service, to use for declared emergencies only.

108S1 LR7CA

Testimony on LR7CA — Persons may sue governmental subdivisions in a manner prescribed by the Legislature for levying new taxes that have not been given prior voter approval at a regularly scheduled general election in violation of the laws of the State of Nebraska.

108S1 LB81

Testimony on LB81 — A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to education; to amend section 79-1001, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023; to provide a termination date for the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act; and to repeal the original section.

108S1 LR6CA

Testimony on LR6CA which proposes to amend Article VIII, section 1 and to add a new section 14 to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska to limit increases the valuation of real property, impose accountability on political subdivisions utilizing bonded indebtedness and define terms.

108S1 LB1

Testimony on LB 1 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation.

108S1 LB9

Testimony on LB 9 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to school funding.

108S1 LR1CA

Testimony on LR1CA – A Resolution FOR AN Proposed Constitutional Amendment

108th Legislature, Second Session, 2024

108B LB1347

Testimony on LB 1347 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to schools; to adopt the Community Schools Act.

108B LB1403

Testimony on LB 1403 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation; to amend sections 77-908 and 77-3806, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2022, and sections 77-7103, 77-7104, 77-7105, 77-7106, 77-7107, 77-7108, and 77-7109, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023; to change provisions of the Opportunity Scholarships Act and change the use of credits under such act; to harmonize provisions; and to repeal the original sections.

108B LB1347

Testimony on LB 1347 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to schools; to adopt the Community Schools Act.

108B LB1388

Testimony on LB 1388 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to postsecondary education; to amend section 84-612, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023; to adopt the Excellence in Education Scholarship Act and the Community College Promise Act; to provide for transfers from the Cash Reserve Fund; to repeal the original section; and to declare an emergency.

108B LB1050

Testimony on LB 1050 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to schools; to require school districts to provide menstrual products to students as prescribed; to define terms; to limit liability; and to provide powers and duties to school districts, the State Department of Education, and the State Board of Education.

108B LB1253

Online Comment on LB1253 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to education; to create the Dyslexia Research Grant Program

108B LB1053

Online Comment on LB1053 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act; to amend sections 79-8,114 and 79-8,118, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023; to authorize extended-career retention grants under the act as prescribed; to change a termination date; to repeal the original sections; and to declare an emergency.

108B LB1121

Online Comment on LB1121 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to the Nebraska Teacher Recruitment and Retention Act; to amend section 79-8,114, Revised Statutes Supplement, 2023; to authorize additional grants under the act as prescribed; to repeal the original section; and to declare an emergency.

108B LB964

Online Comment on LB964 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to teachers; to amend section 85-3004, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2022; to adopt the Special Education Teacher Forgivable Loan Program Act; to provide for scholarships under the Nebraska Career Scholarship Act; and to repeal the original section.

108B LB1302

Online Comment on LB1146 – Adopt the Cybersecurity Preparedness Act

108B LB1402

Testimony on LB 1402 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to appropriations; to appropriate funds to the State Treasurer for the purpose of providing grants to scholarship-granting organizations; and to declare an emergency.

108B LB1146

Online Comment on LB1146 – (Murman) Provide an additional exception to the prohibition on suspending a student in pre-kindergarten through second grade.

108B LB1012

Online Comment on LB LB1012 – (Walz) Change provisions relating to certain tax levy and bonding authority of school districts.

108B LB1399

Online Comment on LB 1399 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to schools; to amend sections 79-530, 79-531, 79-532, and 79-533, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska; to change provisions relating to the involvement of parents, guardians, and educational decisionmakers in the education of children; to define terms; to harmonize provisions; and to repeal the original sections.

108B LB1193

Online Comment on LB 1193 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to education; to provide a process for a parent or guardian to request that such parent’s or guardian’s child repeat a grade under certain circumstances as prescribed; and to provide powers and duties.

108B LB1316

Testimony on LB 1316 – A bill which amends Neb. Rev. Stat. 77-3405 to remove a provision that allows school boards to override levy limits imposed with a seventy percent vote of the school board. 

108B LB1241

Testimony on LB 1241 – A bill which introduces a levy limit based on the percentage increase in a political subdivision’s total taxable property valuation. An increase in property valuations must be offset by a reduction in the levy.

108B LB1063

Testimony on LB1063 – A bill to require approval by the voters of the school district prior to expenditure of special building funds as prescribed

108th Legislature, First Session, 2023

108A LB527

Testimony on LB527 – A bill to provide reimbursements for mental health expenditures; to state intent for appropriations; to change provisions relating to local system formula resources; to harmonize provisions; and to repeal the original sections.

108A LB681

Testimony on LB527 – A bill to rename and change provisions relating to the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Fund; to transfer funds; to harmonize provisions; to repeal the original sections; and to declare an emergency — Liz Standish, Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs

108A LB627

Testimony on LB627 – to adopt the Free Student Meals Act; to eliminate provisions relating to reimbursement for school breakfast programs; and to outright repeal sections 79-10,138 and 79-10,139, — by Nutrition Services Director, Andrew Ashelford.

108A LB610

Testimony on LB610 – To appropriate money to the State Department of Education to fund career and technical education programs and career education student organizations — by Curriculum Specialist for Career and Technical Education, Jason Thomsen.

108A LB340

Testimony on LB340, a bill to amend section 79-266, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska; to change provisions relating to expelled students; and to repeal the original section — by Lincoln Public Schools

108A LB583

Testimony on LB583 – To provide for foundation aid and special education supplemental aid under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act — by Lincoln Board of Education member, Kathy Danek.

108A LB753

Testimony on LB753 – To adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide tax credits — by Lincoln Board of Education member, Barb Baier.

108A LB589

Testimony on LB589 LB 589 which would cap school district revenue growth. District property tax request authority would then be determined by subtracting non-property tax revenue from the total revenue limitation. The cap would not apply to property tax revenues required to pay bonded indebtedness. Non-property tax revenue would not include special education funding. — by Lincoln Public Schools

108A LB324

Testimony on LB324 – A BILL FOR AN ACT relating to the Special Education Act; to amend sections 79-1142 and 79-1145, Revised Statutes Cumulative Supplement, 2022; to change provisions relating to reimbursements; to harmonize provisions; and to repeal the original sections. — by Lincoln Public Schools Director of Special Education, Jenny Fundus.

107th Legislature, Second Session, 2022

107B LB1237

Testimony on LB1237 – Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and the Nebraska Child Care Contribution Tax Credit Act — by Lincoln Board of Education President, Connie Duncan.

107B LB890

Testimony on LB890 – Change the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act — by Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, Liz Standish

107th Legislature, First Session, 2021

107A LB281

Testimony on LB281 – Require child sexual abuse prevention instructional programs for school students and staff — by Lincoln Board of Education member, Connie Duncan

107A LB396

Testimony on LB396 – which would expand the scale and reach of Nebraska-produced food by providing networking resources for Nebraska schools, local vegetable and fruit growers, and meat and dairy producers to increase the quantity of quality local food purchased by and served in schools. The bill would create 1 FTE at the Department of Education to administer the program. — by Assistant Superintendent for Governmental Relations and General Administration, John Neal

107A LB359

Testimony on LB359 – Change provisions regarding multicultural education as prescribed and provide powers for the State Board of Education — by Board of Education member, Barbara Baier

107A LB568

Testimony on LB568 – Provide for mental health first aid training for school districts and change provisions relating to the use of lottery funds — by LPS Assistant Superintendent for Governmental Relations and General Administration, John P. Neal

107A LR22CA

Testimony on LR 22CA — An amendment to the Nebraska Constitution to limit the property tax revenue raised by a political subdivision in any fiscal year to no more than three percent greater than the previous year — by Assistant Superintendent for Governmental Relations and General Administration, John Neal

107A LB408

Testimony on LB408 — A bill limiting the property tax request by a political subdivision in any fiscal year to no more than three percent greater than the previous year — by Assistant Superintendent for Governmental Relations and General Administration, John Neal

107A LB364

Testimony on LB364 regarding the Opportunity Scholarships Act — by Connie Duncan, member of the Lincoln Board of Education

107A LB243

Testimony on LB243 regarding “Access College Early Tech Promise Program Act” by Lincoln Board of Education member, Kathy Danek

106th Legislature, Second Session, 2020

106B LB1202

Testimony on LB1202 regarding “Adopt the Opportunity Scholarships Act and provide for tax credits” by Lincoln Board of Education member, Connie Duncan

106B LB1193

Testimony on LB1193 regarding “Change election provisions for certain bond issue, tax levy, and property tax limitation questions” by Lincoln Board of Education member, Kathy Danek

106B LB0974

Testimony on LB0974 regarding “Change taxation and school funding provisions” by Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs, Liz Standish