February 22, 2025
Sen. Rita Sanders, Chairperson
Sen. Megan Hunt
Sen. Bob Andersen, Vice Chairperson
Sen. Dan Lonowski
Sen. John Cavanaugh
Sen. Dan McKeon
Sen. Dunixi Guereca
Sen. Dave Wordekemper
Chairperson Sanders and members of the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee :
The Lincoln Public Schools appreciates the leadership which Chairperson Sanders and the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee have demonstrated in bringing forward LR18CA. LR18CA proposes a Constitutional Amendment noting that the “Legislature shall not impose responsibility for a program created after the year 2026 or an increased level of service required under an existing program after the year 2026 on any political subdivision of the state unless the political subdivision is fully reimbursed by the state for the cost of such program or increase in level of service. Reimbursement by the state shall be in the form of a specific appropriation or an increase in state distribution of revenue to such political subdivision.”
The LPS Board of Education annually adopted Legislative Guidelines reflect the district’s long held belief that program mandates must have sufficient resources to be operationalized or that they will inevitably compromise the efficacy of existing initiatives due to resource limitations. Specifically, in our third standing Legislative Guideline we assert that mandated state and/or federal programs must have financial resources adequate to fund the requirement, or that they be optional for districts.
We reiterate our proponent stance for LR18CA and thank the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee for its consideration of this meritorious measure and respectfully request you advance it.
Dr. John Skretta
Interim Superintendent
Lincoln Public Schools