February 27, 2025
Sen. Brian Hardin, Chairperson
Sen. Glen Meyer
Sen. John Fredrickson, Vice Chairperson
Sen. Dan Quick
Sen. Beau Ballard
Sen. Merv Riepe
Sen. Ben Hansen
Chairman Hardin and Health and Human Services Committee members,
I am the Director of Health Services for Lincoln Public Schools. I am presenting neutral testimony for Lincoln Public School on LB463.
LPS has had a cardiac emergency response plan(CERP) in accordance with NDE regulations for over a decade although in 2018, we updated the existing plan to become a comprehensive district plan; including more access to AEDs, an AED maintenance plan and development of a cardiac emergency response team in every LPS school. The plan requires response teams to complete at least one cardiac response drill annually, most schools complete 2 drills annually. LPS is the only NE School District to have every school site designated, “Heart-Safe” by Project Adam through Children’s NE.
We agree with the intent of the bill and LB463 will provide for a safer environment for Nebraska students, staff and families. Current research highlights the importance of having a cardiac emergency plan in place, schools that create a CERP and conduct regular drills have a 70% chance of the event ending in survival versus less than 10% for those without a plan.” Since we implemented our plan, LPS Health Services has had 2 saves or cardiac events that ended in survival.
Concerns or recommended changes for the existing bill are as follows; Suggest aligning the language in the bill with NDE’s current regulations regarding Safe Schools Emergency Operation Plans plus indicating schools can use existing cardiac response plans already in place including their existing training procedures. Suggest providing sustainable funding for districts as costs can be extensive including; AED purchases, AED maintenance costs and ongoing CPR training. Current funding through Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund is not sustainable long-term.
Lastly, sharing a parent comment LPS received.
“As a parent it can be hard to leave your child in someone else’s hands even when it is at school because of all the unknowns that could happen. I know there are drills set in place and practiced for fires, tornadoes, and even an unwanted person in the building. When drills are practiced everyone knows ahead of time and is prepared for it. What happened last night was something no one was expecting or prepared for but your team snapped into action as soon as it happened like it was a drill they had practiced many times before. From the teacher keeping us in the classroom while he investigated the noise, to other staff members running to get needed medical supplies and calling 911. You all worked so well together in that child’s time of need.
The main thing I wanted to tell you is that you and your team are amazing and I am honored to have my child be a Buffalo. I hate that the incident happened but I am happy knowing my daughter and soon my son will be in your team’s hands day after day! I hope everyone involved last night knows how appreciated they are.”
Thank you for your time and I am happy to answer any questions.
Wendy Rau, MSN, BA, RN, NCSN
Director of Health Services Lincoln Public Schools