February 24, 2025
Sen. Dave Murman, Chairperson
Sen. Margo Juarez
Sen. Jana Hughes, Vice Chairperson
Sen. Dan Lonowski
Sen. Danielle Conrad
Sen. Glen Meyer
Sen. Megan Hunt
Sen. Rita Sanders
Chair Murman and members of the Education Committee:
The Lincoln Public Schools respectfully states our opposition to LB549 proposed by Senator Lippincott. This bill would allow for employment of a chaplain within our public schools “to perform various duties including academic, career, emotional, and behavioral health supports to students” without possession of a valid certificate issued by the Nebraska Department of Education. In addition to the foreseeable potential of undue religious influence on students, the duties described clearly echo the scope of responsibilities typically designated to school counselors. We assert that LB549 would erode professional practice and preparatory standards for the vocation by essentially conducting an end-around for the rigorous and longstanding endorsement guidelines for the profession of school counselors. In Nebraska, school counselors must attain a Master’s Degree in Counseling with specialization in School Counseling and substantial graduate semester hours focused on school counseling. We believe it is important to uphold the performance standards and elements articulated by the Department to fulfill the sort of duties described in LB549, and that these duties cannot be appropriately delegated to a chaplain volunteer without possession of the qualifying credential.
Lincoln Public Schools therefore opposes the advancement of LB549.
Dr. John Skretta
Interim Superintendent
Lincoln Public Schools