John Skretta
5905 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68505
District 28
Lincoln Public Schools
Dear Chairperson Linehan and members of the Revenue Committee,
We are writing to express our opposition to LR17CA. We believe that locally elected officials are best positioned to guide policy and direct resources for their communities than the State of Nebraska. We would not support any legislation which would further undermine the authority of local officials to make decisions in the best interest of our community. School districts already operate within a number of restrictions, and further restrictions would have considerable uneven and unintended consequences.
This proposal would usurp the longstanding authority of local school boards to fulfill the mission for which they were elected. LR17CA would impose reserves requirements that have historically honored the decision-making authority of our locally elected officials to properly and in timely fashion administer fiscal, operational, and administrative necessities.
We appreciate your careful consideration of our concerns and strongly encourage you to not advance this proposal.