108S1 LB81 LPS Testimony

John Skretta
5905 O Street
Lincoln, NE 68505

District 28
Lincoln Public Schools

LB81 proposed by Senator Halloran would terminate TEEOSA effective July 2027. TEEOSA has been in existence with numerous significant modifications since 1990. It has enshrined in law the longstanding concept that Needs minus Resources = State Aid, and has established numerous components in statute that have helped to ensure equitable commitments of resources from the state based on key demographic factors such as poverty rate and LEP (limited English proficiency), among others.

Lincoln Public Schools, as a member of the Greater Nebraska Schools Association, asserts opposition in principle to any changes to TEEOSA that school districts have not had sufficient opportunity to model and analyze for their impact on LPS and Nebraska k-12 public schools. Unlike somewhat similar proposals, LB81 does not even include intent language for “maintaining support for the public school system in Nebraska.” We oppose LB81 as it simply and directly declares termination of TEEOSA without articulating a viable plan or concepts that would ensure sustainable and sufficient resources for Nebraska public schools and our students.

Recent LPS testimony

109A LB550

Testimony on LB550 to Require school districts to adopt a policy that excuses students to attend a course for religious instruction by Lincoln Board of Education member, Piyush Srivastav

109A LB528

Testimony on LB528 to Change and eliminate provisions relating to grants from the State Department of Education Improvement Grant Fund by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB497

Testimony on LB497 to Provide for admission of and participation in extracurricular activities by certain students that are not residents of the school district by Interim Superintendent, Dr. John Skretta

109A LB463

Testimony on LB463 to Require school districts to develop a cardiac emergency response plan under the School Safety and Security Reporting Act and provide for grants for such plans from the Medicaid Managed Care Excess Profit Fund by Director of Health Services, Wendy Rau

109A LB557

Testimony on LB557 to Change provisions relating to the enrollment option program, provide funding to students denied option enrollment, and eliminate provisions relating to open enrollment option students and diversity plans by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta

109A LB549

Testimony on LB549 to Allow a school board to employ a chaplain, including in a volunteer capacity, at a school by Interim Superintendent, John Skretta