108A LB681 LPS Testimony

March 15, 2023

Senator Robert Clements, Chairperson
Senator Christy Armendariz
Senator Myron Dorn
Senator Robert Dover
Senator Steve Erdman
Senator Loren Lippincott
Senator Mike McDonnell
Senator Tony Vargas
Senator Anna Wishart

Good afternoon Senator Wishart and members of the Appropriations Committee.  My name is Liz Standish, spelled S-T-A-N-D-I-S-H.  I serve as the Associate Superintendent for Business Affairs for Lincoln Public Schools. 

I am here to testify in support of LB681 as amended by AM193.

The Lincoln Public School District appreciates the opportunity to participate in discussions with Governor Pillen and his staff, and the opportunity to be at the table to exchange ideas in a consensus-making manner.

The Education Future Fund established in LB681 provides stability to school districts that rely on state funding.  The prioritization of equalization proposed in AM193 is essential.  School districts with lower property valuations per student are often at the maximum levy with nowhere to go when state funding falls short.  The sustainability of state funding is critical in maintaining quality schools in the state of Nebraska, and LB681 as amended would do that.

School districts’ access to property tax funding across the state ranges dramatically when you compare only school districts that are not on substantial amounts of federal land.  At the $1.05 maximum property tax levy, a school district can raise $3,000 per student, and at the same $1.05 maximum property tax levy, a school district can raise $67,000 per student.  The access to property tax value per student is widely spread across the state, so that is why we see levies that are 40 cents all the way up to $1.40.  That is what makes our school finance challenges so great.

Equalization has to be maintained as the top priority of the state.  I cannot emphasize enough how critical the amendment is to the bill.  That is something that as a Committee, I hope that you consider strongly in including it with the bill.

I’d be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

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