February 7, 2023
Senator Dave Murman, Chairperson
Senator Joni Albrecht
Senator Tom Briese
Senator Daniel Conrad
Senator Lou Ann Linehan
Senator Rita Sanders
Senator Lynne Walz
Senator Justin Wayne
Good afternoon Chairman Murman and members of the Education Committee:
My name is Kathy Danek, K-A-T-H-Y D-A-N-E-K, and I am a board member of the Lincoln Public Schools.
I am testifying as a proponent today, but there are concerns that will be shared in later testimony regarding the foundation aid portion of this bill that still needs to be addressed; however, this afternoon, I will focus my testimony on supporting the proposed changes in special education reimbursement through LB583.
Currently, LPS averages under 50% in special education reimbursement. The special education supplemental aid proposed in LB583 would increase the special education reimbursement to eighty percent of the actual anticipated expenditures of the school district for special education minus the total amount of existing state and federal funds to be provided to the school district for special education, excluding special education supplemental aid. So, this bill adds an additional 30% on top of the existing 50%.
What is unique about Senator Sanders’s bill compared to previous bills proposing increases in special education reimbursement is that this additional reimbursement is paid directly to districts, and it is not treated as an accountable receipt. If counted as an accountable receipt, the district’s state equalization aid would be decreased in the amount that was received in new special education reimbursement.
I want to thank Senator Sanders for recognizing how rising special education costs impact schools. By directing the funds to districts, it is possible for those funds to relieve the pressure of those costs on the general fund and allow the districts to address existing unmet needs in both general and special education. This is a new approach in proposing increases in special education reimbursement.
We also want to highlight our appreciation for the amendment filed today on LB 681. LPS believes it is directly tied to the sustainability of education funding, and it impacted our district’s approach to LB 583.
Again, we thank Senator Sanders for her approach to improving special education reimbursement, and with that, I would be happy to answer any questions…