January 30, 2023
Education Committee
Senator Dave Murman, Chairperson
Senator Joni Albrecht
Senator Tom Briese
Senator Danielle Conrad
Senator Lou Ann Linehan
Senator Rita Sanders
Senator Lynne Walz
Senator Justin Wayne
Chairman Murman and members of the Education Committee, my name is Jenny Fundus, J E N N Y, F U N D U S, and I am the Director of Special Education with Lincoln Public Schools
I would like to begin by thanking Senator Wishart for keeping a focus on the need to increase special education reimbursement. She introduce LB 876 in 2018, LB 346 in 2019, LB 135 in 2021, and LB324 this year; all with a focus on finding a sustainable method for raising reimbursement for special education expenses.
Her unfaltering focus on this issue has led to an enviable circumstance this year, that more than one bill has been introduced with the goal of achieving 80% reimbursement for special education expenses.
As equalized schools, Lincoln Public Schools and the other schools in the Greater Nebraska Schools Association do not receive any additional reimbursement from the state as this funding is considered an accountable receipt, and would not increase our state aid.
But, we would echo the comments of others that this is an important policy step to better meet the needs of students receiving special education services and support schools facing increased costs in this area as increases in special education are largely out of the control of the public school districts.
With a final thank you to Senator Wishart and her efforts, I will be happy to answer any questions